Chapter 4

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Now he was really uncomfortable in the car.  He looked down on himself and noticed his hand rested on a very stiff Michael Junior. 

Think about swimming in the pool on a cool morning.  How about water gun fights with Janet and Mac.  Think about Debbie….

It seemed impossible to not think about Lisa, which really annoyed him to great extent.  He wished she was not the center of so many of his thoughts, wished he didn’t have to want her all the time, or to constantly remember every single thing about her:  The feel of her skin, the scent of her hair, the hot casing of her wet heat around his member, the delightful teasing of her mouth engulfing him…  Ok, these thoughts were definitely not helping!

It was ok for her to be obsessed with him and follow him around the globe- that was fine.  Actually, it had been pretty funny.  And convenient.  And hot …. Plus, it had only seemed fair- for all the misery she had put him through over the years. And she had called him unbalanced and selfish?   Unbelievable!

His thoughts turned to his children.  He realized Debbie was due to give birth to his little girl in 2 months.  Then he could finally talk to her about the divorce.  He knew she would be upset, he was very clear about how she felt about him.  But he had always been upfront and open about the boundaries of their relationship, and most of the time, she had accepted the terms of that arrangement.  He hoped she would not be angry or mad- he had a life time supply of women in his life screaming at him or being angry for one thing or another.  If he never heard a shrill or loud word or see another pout, his life would be JUST perfect. Why did they have to be so impossibly hard to understand?

Ok, the last thoughts had finally distracted his body from the aftereffects of remembering his hot little conversations with Lisa.  His raging hard on had finally subsided.  It was safe to enter his home.  Convenient, since the driver had just engaged the gate opener. If his luck held, he might be able to sneak in and not see Debbie for another couple of hours.  On the other hand, he wanted to feel his baby- wanted to put his head on Debbie’s stomach and feel her kick. He wanted to touch her and sing to her.  Too bad all these wonderful things involved Debbie, too.

Also, he could not wait to see Prince

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Also, he could not wait to see Prince. He had left for the city before his son had woken up this morning, and he missed him already.  Prince was almost a year old- he could not believe his birthday was coming up fast.  Now that he had started to walk, his nanny usually brought him downstairs as soon as she was told that Michael had come through the gates.  Prince loved to greet his Daddy, to walk on shaky legs up to him, his little arms up in the air, beaming, laughing, ready to be picked up and tossed into the air. 

Michael walked toward his staircase, singing to himself quietly.


Prince came toddling around the corner.  He wore a cute little play suit and his hair was combed perfectly.  Michael felt the love for his son hit him with the power of ten atomic blasts. 

“Hey, little man! Come to Daddy. I missed you SO much.”

He crouched down to pick him up.

“Did you miss me too?”

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“Did you miss me too?”

Darn it- his luck had run out.

“Hello, Debbie, how are you?”

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