Chapter 48

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Lisa looked up from her magazine, trying hard not to burst into laughter at Michael's face.

"Will you stop making faces and squirming?"

"I am not squirming. It's just...Gosh- I forgot what exactly they do and it just seems so...I don't know..." He ended the sentence, if one could call it that, with yet another grimace. It was hard to believe he was being such a baby about this. Clearly, he was freaking out.

"Looking at the pamphlet from all those different angles won't change what they do, you know. Plus, I thought you went to one of those with your other babies' Momma."

"Do you mind not using that term? It makes me sound I am not some serial baby-maker."

This time the laughter bubbled free despite her best efforts, earning her a scolding look.

"No, of course, not, Michael. I apologize. Just because you have one son who just turned one, one baby girl on the way any day, and one little squirt newly created does not mean you are a baby-making machine. My bad!"

Michael rolled his eyes, and shook his head. Scooting closer, she reached for his face and pulled his mouth to her. "A very, very sexy baby making machine..."

Despite his pretend protest and trying to pull his face away from her, he relented and kissed her gently. Then, blushing, he pulled away, looking around, making sure they did not have an audience.

"Lise- not here!"

"Why not here? I am pretty sure these folks are well aware of how that particular bun we are about to see got into the oven. We are in an OB clinic, Michael. They specialize in babies, and sex, and private parts..."

"Lisa!" Laughing, Michael, pulled his hand over her mouth and she took the opportunity to kiss his palm.

His laughter warmed her heart. The tone was so free and unguarded these days. How she had missed it!

"You are incorrigible, woman! Aren't you tuckered out from last night...or this morning?" The last words were whispered against her ear, giving her shivers.

No, apparently, she was not. There was no way she would ever get her fill of this man. But she was willing to spend her life trying.

This morning, Lisa woke up to what she thought was a hot, sexy dream, only to find Michael's fingers stroking her gently, bringing her to another orgasm before she was fully awake.
Afterwards, he held her, kissing her cheeks, her nose, her lips, whispering just what he wanted to do to her after the procedure. He was such a perverted freak at times. And she could not wait to take him up on his promises.

"What are you up to? Not that I complain about waking up like this, mind you. But what about you?" Her gaze stroked him and by the reaction she could tell he felt it like a physical contact. What was more gorgeous to wake up to than Michael, aroused and ready in the bed with her?

"Oh, you can help tame that thing me when we take a shower. And what? I wanted to make sure our baby wakes up to a nice oxygen rush."

"Our baby is going to appear high after all the oxygen rushes it has been getting in the last 12 hours. They probably have me do a drug test seeing that little dopey girl."

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