Chapter 21

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"Turn around."

"Can you, like, give me a minute here?" Lisa was still out of breath and felt like her legs were shaky and weak.

"Hell no! Get up and get on all fours. You said you could take it and you were up for it. Not eating your words now, are you?" The usually so gently tone was replaced by a dark growl.

Her eyes widened even as his voice started a new buzzing inside her belly.

"But I'm tired." She was getting less tired by the second, newly invigorated and turned on by his assertive stance.

"Well, that's just too damn bad. I'm not done, and you have been a tease all night. So, assume the position, woman."

Lisa raised her arms above her head, stretching out, pushing her pouting breasts up higher as she slightly spread her legs. Michael swallowed as his eyes saw the evidence of her recent climax trickle down her thigh. Holy shit- he could simply not wait for his juices to join her- soon.

"But Michael," she whined. "I'm afraid of what you will do to me." Lisa tried hard to convey a scared, innocent expression.

He had to smile. She was playing now, and he knew it. She was so full of shit. And he loved every second of it.

"I'm not gonna do anything you didn't deserve. So, don't make me say it again. Get your ass up and turn around."

Lisa knew she was getting sore and was being pushed to the limit for one night, but she also was not willing to ignore her newly mounting arousal or that huge, straining penis pointing toward Michael's adorable belly button. He looked like a satyr kneeling before her: gloriously naked, his skin glowing, his hair wet, his face dark and commanding. Not thinking, she licked her lips, and reached for the turgid shaft, suddenly not being able to withstand the desire to touch him. It seemed to call out to her, tempting her beyond belief. Michael gripped her wrist and thwarted her plan.

"No more teasing. Do it."

Lisa slowly sat up and started to turn around. Doing so, she managed to provide a prime view of the place he could barley wait to bury himself in. Her lips were red and swollen from both the previous orgasms and the new arousal and glistened in temptation. She raised herself on her hands and knees before looking at him over her shoulder.

"Don't hurt me, please." At the same time, her eyes told him to fuck her hard. She was so good at being bad!

"You should have thought about that earlier."

Damn, he was the sexiest thing alive! Resigning herself to his power over her, she turned her head, her hair falling into her face, as she faced the headboard. He touched her ankles and softly ran his hands up her calves. His fingers traced the sensitive skin behind her knees, before they ever so slowly ascended her thighs toward the perfect globes pushed out to him.

Michael watcher her before him and swallowed hard. He could see her breast hanging toward the bed, her nipples hard and stiff again. Goosebumps had started to appear on her legs as he traced her hot skin which was glazed by a layer of sweat from her previous exertions. He knew he had already made her cum numerous times tonight, but he intended to shove her further, to make her reach her absolute limit. Lisa could take a lot, but for some reason he wanted her to admit that he could push her to the very boundary of her sexual endurance. And he wanted her to never forget what he could do to her. Just in case...

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