Chapter 51

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She had put her clothes up already and was not about to destroy the effort it had taken to put the teddy on just perfectly, to drape her hair, ... No, whoever had to just go away.

More ringing, followed by urgent knocking.

What the heck?

Maybe it was Michael?

But why would he knock?

Whoever it was did not go away and if anything, the noise became louder.

Maybe she could just peek out to make sure it was nothing important. Surely, Michael's staff knew this villa was occupied.

When she looked through the peek hole, she saw what looked like a security guard outside. What was going on? He had his back to her. Still, she recognized the logo. Yep-Neverland Security.

She found the intercom button.

"Can I help you?"

"Ma'am. I was sent over to check the villa. We have reports of an intruder."

"Well, I am not an intruder, if you check with your boss you will find out Mr Jackson had this villa set aside and will not be happy that I am disturbed."

"Sorry, Ma'am. Orders. You have to open up so I can check out things are in order."

The guy was very hard to hear and his voice sounded oddly muffled. And why did he still keep his back to the door?

When he turned she thought he looked a tad bit familiar. She knew many of the guards, had she dealt with him before? Lisa got closer to the peephole, trying to get a better look, but he kept the ball cap over his face and stood at a funny angle.

"Well, I'm not going to open the door. I told you I am an invited guest, and you can go and check with your boss. "

"Ma'am, you making a fuss will not make this any easier. Plus, you know we have keys to all the villas. I'm merely being courteous, asking you to open up. But if you insist..."

This time the arrogance in his voice was undeniable. Yes, indeed, she had dealt with him before. Now, things became clearer.

She saw him retrieving the key. Of course he had one. This was just perfect.

As soon as the door started to open, Lisa let out a curse and darted toward the bedroom. Maybe there was a robe somewhere in the bathroom. She felt like killing the insolent intruder.

"Miss- no use hiding. It's not like I didn't hear you loud and clear- and I know I didn't imagine you in there."

"Will you give me a minute? I have to get decent."

There was a mumbled reply, but she was not sure she had heard him correctly. Her eyes darted around and she spotted a robe the same material as her teddy behind the bathroom door. Of course. This was all so wonderfully planned out. The robe barely covered her ass, but compared to the negligee it was a papal outfit.

Shaking her hair out, and holding her head high, she stalked out into the main area- high heels and all.

The overzealous guard looked her over and his mouth dropped open for a second. Great- advantage, Lisa. Hopefully he could refrain from drooling onto the carpet.

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