Chapter 17

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“My, aren’t you just full of surprises today.  Tell me again why are we going to the beach?”

Lisa did not move and watched Michael take off his shoes off and roll up his pants.  She was torn between being annoyed about him making all the decisions for this night and feeling thrilled that he obviously had invested so much thought into their date.  He was still bent over, providing a spectacular view of his tight ass, which might have completely distracted her had he not then turned his head and flashed her one of those smiles that somehow managed to melt steel.  With that, it was no more contest: exhilaration won out easily. Which by no means compelled her to share her emotions or make this easy on him by being cooperative.

Michael had straightened out and held out his hand to her.

“Come on, Lise, let’s go.  How about a walk?  You know you want to- I know you love the beach.”

True.  It was very difficult to play games with someone who knew you inside and out.  Plus, when had she ever been able to resist the smile that seemed to brighten not only his face but her whole being? Still, she gave being obstinate one more fair shot.

“Michael, I’m not dressed for the beach.  You might have mentioned your plans to me, you know.  You just go on and run every show without letting anyone in on what you have in mind.  I really don’t want to mess up my shoes.”

Michael chose to ignore her objections by rolling his eyes, putting his index finger up to his temple, and tilting his head, looking like he was pondering a difficult problem.  He was such a goof ball.

“I know, we’ll take them off!”  He beamed at her, obviously proud of the flash of genius.

“Ah….and the stockings?” She now was smiling as well.

Lisa noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes as he approached the open car door, bending down toward her, kissing her lightly.

“Well, I don’t know….that’s a problem.” His mouth travelled to her neck, while his hands touched her knees with the faintest contact.   His lips left her warm skin, but his hands continued to gently journey from her leg down her calf to her ankle.  He took her shoe off and tenderly rubbed her foot.  Lisa swallowed hard.  Michael turned his attention to her other leg. Again, his gently strokes caressed her leg before he helped her get rid of her shoe.  Always aiming to be fair and equitable, he ensured this foot was as also well massaged.

Michael looked up at her, long tendrils of his hair partially obstructing his bright eyes, but not taking away from the small, cheeky grin on his lips.

“Better?” His voice had deepened again, and she found herself feeling breathless.

“Well, we solved the shoe problem.”

“And by ‘we’ you mean genius me, right?”

“Yes, dear.  You are amazing.” 

What was amazing was how his touch once again had ignited small fires all over her skin, kindling the blaze only he could extinguish.  Even though tonight he seemed more intent on setting fires than putting them out. 

Michael was concentrating on letting his magical hands glide up her leg again, passing her ankle, massaging her calf, gently drawing small circles on her kneecap, letting one hand take the route of her outer thigh while the other, in very soft contact ascended on her inner thigh, pushing her dress up ever so slightly.

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