Chapter 11

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“Hello? ” Lisa Marie absent mindedly answered her cell phone without checking if she knew the number. 
“You need to back the hell away from my husband, you dirty whore.”

Oh God! Not the incubator again.  She had called her in the past, raging at her for trying to mess up the marriage that wasn’t.  As if she had to steal him away- he usually came quite willingly. Lisa tried to keep calm- Michael had in the past been upset at her for goading the little woman.  She had to make sure to not offend Michael’s baby-momma.

“Hi, Mrs. Jackson, what can I do for you on this wonderful afternoon?”  She put a sarcastic emphasis on the last name.

“You can stop spreading you skanky legs for my husband, that’s what you can do for me.”

“I hate to disappoint you, Nursey, but Michael spreads my legs all by himself. Actually, usually, he orders me to do it and I just oblige. So, maybe you need to have this conversation with him.”

So much for not upsetting the Missis. But Lisa felt she had outdone herself by being nice for a full fifteen seconds.

“If you would not follow him around like a bitch in heat, sniffing at his dick, he would stay at home where he belongs.”

“Debbie- watch the language. Your poor baby is holding her ears right now.”

“Don’t worry about my child, you skank.  You just make sure you stop going after a man who does not want you.”

Lisa snorted in a sarcastic laughter. “Yeah, keep dreaming, Debbie.  Must be tough to have your husband fuck around on you with the woman you stole him from in the first place.”

“If you had given him what he really wanted instead of lying your ass off, I would never have stood a chance.  You threw him away- now live with it.”

“Guess what, Deb.  You might have been able to snow him with all that I am your friend bullshit, and you might have gotten his sperm inserted with a turkey baster, but he does not love you.  If he loved you, he would show you: often and in all kind of different ways and positions.  You would feel it for days- believe me. Let me tell you: when Michael tells me he loves me, he is usually buried deep inside of me, and there is no doubt that he means it. So until you can say the same, don’t come crying to me that your little scheme did not work out as perfectly as you had imagined.  And if you don’t stop calling my phone, I will get a protective order against you.”

With that, Lisa hung up. She noticed her hand holding the phone was trembling.  What upset her more than anything was the ease with which Debbie was able to get under her skin.  And what was even more infuriating was that she had totally underestimated the frumpy little nurse and the lengths to which she was willing to go to snare Michael. To top it off, she had made it so easy for Michael’s so called friend to move right in and offer her services. 

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