Chapter 15

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Michael ordered a huge piece of cake and ice cream they could share for dessert.  The waitress also had provided a candle after Michael had whispered that it was Lisa’s birthday.  Lisa blew it out, wishing with all her heart to have him believe in her once again. He playfully fed her the cake, catching the chocolate crumbs and pieces of fudge frosting that missed her mouth and letting her lick them off his finger.  Her pink tongue darted out and secured the sweets threat. Before he could move his hand, she captured it with hers, holding his slender wrist.  Her tongue licked his index finger from base of the knuckle to its tip, circling it with skill, before her soft lips closed over him, gently sucking it into the hot cavern of her mouth.  Michael swallowed hard, his mind comparing the image and feelings to similar administrations to another appendage. His penis painfully protested against its prison, obviously longing for the moist heat of her mouth and the velvet touch of her tongue.  He almost came when Lisa continued to suck on him before letting the finger pop out of her mouth with a smacking sound.  Her eyes were locked to his and she ran her tongue over her top lip before her bottom lip disappeared in her mouth.

Michael looked around to see if they were being watched.  It seemed everyone was either busy with their food, their company, or pretending to not pay attention to the man in the black mask wearing his fedora at the table. He moved his chair closer to Lisa’s, his smile hidden by black silk, but being well reflected in his expressive eyes.

In retaliation for the endured torture, he slid his hand under the table, letting it rest for a second on her knee before slowly running the back of his fingers upwards along the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.  Before he approached her lap, he returned to her knee once more, feeling the goose bumps appearing under his hand. Her eyes closed lazily before opening again, blazing at him with uncontained lust.  Her gaze issued a dare, and he smiled, thinking she should know him better by now.  He looked over to see if the serving staff was paying attention.  They again pretended to not notice what their famous guests where up to, and Michael, whose penchant for semi public play was well known to Lisa, felt further emboldened by the four glasses of wine he had consumed.

The soft fabric of Lisa’s dress rested right above her knee.  His hand smoothly slid under it and continued its dangerous journey to the well of her pleasure, which he anticipated to be close to overflowing by now.  Lisa swallowed and tried to contain a moan as his hot touch slowly inched toward her pouting and weeping pussy.  She opened her legs ever so slightly, granting him better access, willing him to quench her thirst.

“So, did you hear from your mother lately?”

Lisa blinked and cleared her throat.  What did just he say?  Was he making small talk? The laughter in his eyes turned her on even more.  How in the word did he keep his voice that cool?

“My mother.  Yeah, she visited earlier…ahhhh…” She exhaled sharply, starting to feel dizzy.

“Say what?”  His finger had reached the top of her stocking.  He leaned in closer, as if engaged in an attention-grabbing conversation, allowing his finger to graze the soaking fabric of her thong, teasing her. She was so hot, so ready, and his erection reached a new level of agony.

Lisa decided he was not the only one to play this game as her hand descended on his thigh and disappeared under his napkin, heading straight for the bulge threatening to rip through his pants.

“Baby, this must be painful, let me help you.”

He blushed and whispered without conviction, “Lisa, don’t…” 

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