Chapter 47

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Back in Lisa's bedroom, the room that had once been their room, Lisa threw herself onto her bed. Their bed. It thrilled him to death that she never had gotten rid of it as she had threatened a thousand times.

"Man! I have a feeling those kids won't be too upset when we tell them about our family growing soon."

Michael pulled his shirt out of his pants and sat down next to Lisa, his eyes being drawn like a magnet by the smooth area of her belly revealed by her sliding up shirt. Was he imagining it, or was there already a soft swell? His gaze glided up her body and he noticed her breasts, which definitely had started to fill more. Responsive as always, a reawakening part of his anatomy was filling as well and springing back to life.

"What are you looking at?" Lisa watched him from below her hooded eyes. He reached out and touched her skin, tracing the band of her shorts. Her skin felt so wonderfully warm, and he watched her tremble from his light touch.

"Nothing..." Slowly, his hand traveled up toward her belly button and he put the palm of his hand over her abdomen.

"How's Junior?"

Her hand came to rest over his, seeming so small.

"That's Miss Junior to you."

"Ah...nope. I think it's a boy."

"Well, I think you're wrong. It's a girl."

He let his hand massage her now, watching her eyes close as she gave a small sigh.

"Nope. I am going boy, girl,'ll see." He rolled over, and moved her shirt up more, kissing her stomach now, first placing small kisses on the smooth skin, then letting his tongue trace the hollow of her belly button. She laughed softly, and his cock strained against his pants even more. Why was he still wearing clothes? After his torturous drive, this little lady should really aim to make him more comfortable. Maybe he should remind her of her duties as a hostess. Or her duties as his lover.

"Too bad. It's my baby- and I'm going girl, boy, girl. You're out of luck, buster. You ain't running this show."

"Oh, yeah?" His eyes found her before he let his tongue dip into the soft little valley, watching her eyes close again and delighting in her little moan. "Well...." He kissed a path down to her shorts, then traced the band with his tongue, enjoying as the texture of her skin changed from smooth to little goose bumps.

"We will see. We both can't be right- and I bet you'll lose this bet."

"We'll see...indeed." Lisa sat up in one smooth motion, and, taking him by surprise pushed him over, coming to rest on top of him, straddling his waist. Michael laughed and pulled her head down to him, kissing her, enjoying her lips, her tongue, her little sounds as her hair cascaded around them in a silky curtain. Michael shifted and moaned into her mouth. Lisa had come to settle right over his protesting manhood. He was pretty sure the problem was not so much the proximity of her hot little crotch but the huge amount of clothing still between them.

"Lisa...before you get too carried away..."

She laughed again, kissing his neck now, biting him in the way that drove him crazy. Her hands started to get busy opening his shirt. She really needed to concentrate on opening another item of clothing first. He bucked up against her, grinding into her suggestively, hoping to give her a hint.

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