Chapter 36

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The water was warm and soothing, engulfing her like a beautiful, secure shroud.  She was floating on the soft white and green tips, letting her body drift, feeling weightless and suspended. 

“Lisa, come back!”

She attempted to open her eyes and felt as if the sun was suspended right above her face.  What was he hollering about?  Was he worried that she had ventured out too far? He was so overprotective at times.

“I’m right here. Stop freaking.”

“Miss Presley…Lisa.  Can you hear me?  Can you open your eyes? Are you ok?  Her pupils are reactive- that’s good.”

Who was this stranger and why was he intruding on her paradise?  She had heard Michael’s voice only seconds before. Where did he go?  And why was she not able to open her eyes?  Maybe some of the salty water rocking around her had seeped in?  Ben and Riley always hated getting salt water in their eyes. 

For a moment, she thought she heard voices calling her name again.  But they seemed so far away, so drowned out by the loud crashing of the waves and the roaring of the ocean.  Why could the voices not let her rest?  Michael should have made sure reporters were not able to get into their private beach area.  It was not like him to be so careless.


“Baby, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.  Please open your eyes, please look at me.”

Why did he sound like he was crying?  His voice was full of panic and fear; she had no idea why he would be so freaked out.  She had just swum out a bit far, but she was not in any danger.

“Please be careful, she might be pregnant.”

What was Michael talking about?  She was not pregnant.  They had run tests earlier, had they not?  Once again she would let him down.  She was so tired of disappointing him.

“I…I’m sorry.”

“Lisa, please, can you hear me?  Please don’t be sorry.  You have nothing to be sorry about.  It was all my fault.  Oh, my God, if something happened to you…to our baby…”

“What baby, Michael?  What are you talking about?”

Debbie?  How had Debbie gotten to the beach?  Lisa attempted to right herself from her cushion of sea water and immediately felt the waves taking hold of her body and tumbling it toward the beach.  An undertow grabbed her leaden limbs and pulled her under, making it impossible to hear, see, or breathe.  She panicked and started thrashing, afraid of drowning…afraid of the beckoning vacuum taking her over and sweeping her away.

“Miss Presley, please hold still, we have to move you onto the board.”

What board?  Why were they moving her?  Her head hurt so much…why could they not leave her alone?

“Lisa, come on baby, you can do it, you can open your eyes. Please, Princess, I love you so much, please just look at me.”

The love in his voice almost made her smile.  Sadly, she was not in command of any muscles as she was oddly separated from all physical functionality. 

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