Chapter 35

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“What the hell are you doing with my son?” Debbie’s face took on the color of Michael’s shirt as she stomped toward Lisa-Marie.  Michael grabbed her arm and stopped the advance, fearing both children would be hurt by Debbie’s irrational anger.

Lisa took a step back, obviously also careful about being mowed down by Debbie the tank.  She protectively turned to shield Prince. Her face was calm and her tone even and fearless when she addressed Debbie.

“Michael’s son, you mean.  Just like it’s Michael’s house.  For someone who doesn’t live here you seem to be around an awful lot.  Come on, Deb, we don’t need to keep up the pretense here.  And stop acting like a crazy woman infront of the baby.  Or should I say, infront of both babies.  One of them does not have a choice but to listen to your rants.”

“You dirty bitch!” Debbie was all but foaming from the mouth.

“Lisa- you are not helping!” Michael stepped in-between the two lunatics while Debbie tried to wrestle her arm away from his grip.  “Please! Can we all just calm down?  Where is the nanny?  Prince really should not be in here.” 

“She went to throw away his diaper.  I fed him his snack a while ago, and he was fussy and asking for you.  I thought you two had spent enough time down here by yourself.”

“We were just about done.  Please go back upstairs, Lisa.  I will be right there with you…” He might as well have saved his breath, as Debbie was still focused on Lisa standing there with his son.  Too bad his success in almost calming Debbie had gone up into thin air.  Lisa’s appearance on the scene had been like waving a red cape infront of an angry bull. 

“You stay away from my husband and my child.  And stop lecturing me.  Where are your children right now, Lisa Marie?  Who did you pawn them off on so you could screw my husband?”

“Both of you shut up and sit down.” His tone was sharp despite keeping from yelling. “Debbie – sit there.” He led her over to the chair the furthest away from the door.  “Lisa- give me the baby.  And sit over here.”  He pointed to the chair closest to the doorway, making sure she had clear escape route should things get out of hand more.  Michael finally had reached the limits of his patience with these two.    Both women stared at him for a second, but followed his order anyway.  About time! He noticed Lisa had a small smile on her lips while Debbie was still fuming. 

“Ok, thank you.  Now: I am going to find the nanny.  Lisa, why don’t you come with me?” He knew he had just told her to sit down, but on second thought leaving them in the same room was akin to throwing a match into a lake of gasoline and not expecting there to be an explosion.

Lisa shrugged her shoulders, handed Prince to Michael, and was about to rise, when Debbie’s acerbic tone interrupted her.

“Well, maybe Lisa Marie can manage to not jump your bones for two seconds so we can finish our discussion?”

Lisa sank back into the chair. “Why don’t I just stay here, Mike?  I promise to behave.  Debbie and I need to get some stuff straight.  And I understand and respect that she is insecure about leaving us alone.” Her sweet tone did not match her sarcasm at all.

Michael had started to walk toward the door, slightly distracted by Prince who was pulling his hair, squealing when Michael bounced him into the air.  Stopping in his track, he held on to his smile, trying to keep his tone light to not upset his son.  She wanted to stay in the room with Debbie?  Well, she was all grown up, so fine, let her have her way.  His priority right now was to get Prince out of the line of fire.  “Ok, fine, whatever. Please stay civil, you two! Lisa, please don’t upset Debbie. She has to watch her blood pressure.”

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