Chapter 6

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“Michael, when Paris is born, do you think there is a change for us to be to…”

Michael sat on the floor, reading a book to Prince, and had almost forgotten that Debbie was still in the room.  He did not raise his eyes off the page as he waited for her to finish her question.  When the words did not come, he looked up.

“Well? Cat got your tongue?”

“No, this is just hard for me to ask. Considering ….”
“Is today the day of unfinished sentences?  Considering what, Debbie?”

“Considering the rules we set up? You know, rules of how our marriage would be.”

If it was up to him, their marriage would be over so he could move on and try to make things right with Lisa. Lisa, who, he was sure, was blowing smoke out her ears this very second.  She should have received his present by now. He smiled slyly.

“What is so funny, Michael?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Nothing.  You said something about rules?”

“The rules that we are just friends. That I am having the babies for you, to make you happy.”

He felt a slight feeling of panic

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He felt a slight feeling of panic.  Was she saying she wanted to have more of a role as a mother?  Why now?  She never showed more than friendly concern for Prince.  There was nothing of the motherly behavior he knew both from his mother and from the way Lisa acted around her children.

“What do you mean?”

Debbie looked down; her hands in her lap were playing with her shirt nervously.

“Well, I was just thinking.  I mean… It seems like…we are…we are good together…and…and…I was hoping….was wondering if maybe…just maybe…”

Michael looked at her with concern. Where was this going?  Was she changing her mind about the babies?  Did she not want to give him Paris like she had Prince? 

“Debbie, you are confusing me.  What are you saying?”

“Michael, I know you don’t love me.  I mean, LOVE me, love me.  But I know you care for me.”

He got up from the floor, made sure Prince was busy with the blocks surrounding him, and reached for Debbie’s hands. 

Kill her with kindness, Mike.  She cannot take those babies from you.

“Debbie, of course I care for you.  You know that.”

“And I care for you Michael.” She leaned in closer.

“I really care for you. “  Her voice sounded as if she would burst into tears any minute now. He looked at her in deep concern.  Was she about to lose it?  Was this some kind of pregnancy induced nervous breakdown?  If so, it might be easy to convince docs to declare her not fit to have custody of his children, if that was her plan.  So, that could work.  Not that he wanted anything to happen to her, but he had to assure he would have his children with him.

“Debbie.What is going on?”

‘Michael I love you!” She burst out.

“I know, Debbie, I love you, too.”

“No Michael, I really love you.  I want to be your wife in more than name.  I want to sleep with you,.. have sex with you.  Be your wife in every meaning of the word.” She sobbed, keeping her eyes lowered.


He backed up slightly.  His eyes widened in disbelief. 

Had she just said “have sex?”  With him?  Debbie wanted to have sex with him?   He shook his head as if trying to wake up from a bad dream.   Or a very strange, weird dream.  He really, really cared for her, was grateful for the wonderful, amazing, miraculous gifts she had given him. She was his dear, dependable friend.  To have sex with her?  Wouldn’t that have to include him being attracted to her?

He tried to make his voice very soft and comforting, as if speaking to a child.

“Debbie.  I care for you.  So much.  But we are friends.  We are good as friends.  And we have a contract- we made promises.  I will always take care of your needs...Is that what this is about?  Are you afraid now that Paris will be born soon that you won’t be taken care of?”

“Michael, I have more than monetary needs.  I need you- to be my husband, to be my lover.”

At that moment, his cell phone rang.  He felt immense relief.  Thank you, God!  He took out his phone and looked at the name.


“Debbie, I have to take this, it’s my sister.  Mother had not been feeling well, so this might be an emergency.” He was exaggerating, of course.  Mother was suffering from a migraine, but Debbie did not know this.

She looked at him through her tears, happy to be able to help him.

“Of course. We can talk later.  Let me take Prince upstairs to see his nanny.”

She went over, picked up his son, and left the room.

A deep sigh of relief left Michael’s chest.  Phew- that had been a close call.

He answered his phone.

“Hi, Dunk. What’s up?”

“Hello, Michael.  What are you up to?”

“Not much. Just playing with Prince.  What are you doing?”

As if he didn’t know where she would be tonight.

“I just saw the strangest thing.”

“You did?  What?”

“Ummmm,…Mike…did you send out any strange birthday presents lately.”

Oh, no! Lisa would not show Janet, would she?

He blushed furiously, and could not retain an embarrassed giggle.

“Michael!”   She laughed in exasperation. “You are BAD!”

He attempted to stifle his own laughter.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

All of a sudden he had a masterful idea.  A flash of genius.

“Dunk, I need a favor…”

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