Chapter 28

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Michael checked the studio clock.  It was 4 am.  Another night without sleep.  Wonderful.  Maybe he would be able to catch a little shut-eye during the day, at least enough to keep him semi sane.  He replayed the tape one more time, checking the progress of the song he had been working on.  It was taking shape, but he still was not one hundred percent happy with the outcome.  He did not know what in the world had motivated him to work on a song that reminded him so much of her.  He should work on something called Bitch from Hell instead of Don’t Walk Away.  Angrily, he grabbed the headphones and tossed them to the side.  This was just great; now he could not even work without thinking of Lisa.  The curse under his breath could not be suppressed.  Funny, how during most of their marriage, he had been perfectly able to lock himself in his studio and work for hours and days without any thoughts about anything but the words and music flowing through him.  Now that he was finally rid of her, unwanted and unsolicited thoughts of her took up this unexpected infinite space in his mind. 

In an effort to find some peace, he left the studio and found himself standing above his son’s crib.  The little boy’s chest was rising and falling peacefully, his breath was deep and rhythmic, and the cute little mouth was open.  Funny how it looked so adorable when babies slobbered in their sleep.  Michael could not help but lightly touch the pink cheek.  His little angel smiled softly in response and he experienced a rare moment of pure joy and delight spreading through his chest. Then the image of another sleeping person rose in his mind’s eye.  He flashed back to brushing auburn hair from different soft skin.  The memory of her scent lingered in his mind and seemed to be filling his lungs. 


He did not need her.  He didn’t need anyone.  He was happy and content with his son, his soon to be born baby, and his music.  Screw everyone else, especially the woman he never should have allowed into his heart and his life in the first place.  He was just fine and dandy without her and her lies. 

For some reason, Michael found himself starting his Mercedes.  He hated driving, and he sure as hell hated driving at night.  There were so many things he had been blessed with in his life, but the ability to drive and navigate highways was not among them.  It was nerve-wrecking to have to concentrate on all these other drivers, the roads, and his car at the same time.  Oddly enough, he could mix music while concentrating on the sounds and technical details just fine, but driving was a nightmare.  Still, he needed to be out of the house.  He did not feel like bothering his security detail, since he would just go out for a quick spin, trying to clear his mind. 

Before he knew it, he entered the exclusive neighborhood of Hidden Hills.  Surprised, Michael realized the orange tint of the sky announcing the rising of the sun.  What in the world had he been thinking about the past two hours?  Never in a million years had he planned on driving to Lisa’s house.  He took the last turn and parked the car one street away from the property he once had considered his second home.  The streets looked sleepy and empty in the morning fog of this late March day.  He scanned the sidewalks, wondering if he would be safe to venture out.  As much as he often wished to be able to just walk around, he feared being vulnerable without his security around him. Maybe he could just risk one short stroll to the gates.  What could it hurt?  He was in excellent shape and could always sprint back the short distance to the car.

Before he could make up his mind, he noticed a car turning and stopping at the gate. What the hell?  So he had been right after all, Danny was back in Lisa’s life.  Great.  He had lived in the gatehouse on and off, and probably had now graduated to romp around in the main bedroom again.  In his bed.  With his wife.  Anger caused his pulse to thunder as a herd of wilder beast seemed to stampede through him.  Some rational part of his mind reminded Michael that his bed was located inside of Neverland two hours north of here and that his wife was tucked away somewhere on that property with her staff, fussing over her every pregnant whim.  However, it was difficult to listen to those thoughts when the sound of the gate closing behind Danny’s car drowned out the whispering of logic.

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