Chapter 8

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Lisa was starting to shake as anticipation cursed through her.  She felt him close to her. The heat radiating from his body warmed her back while her front was assaulted by the high pressure water jets.  She kept her hands on the tile above her head, her back arched slightly, her ass toward him.  Michael’s hands softly made their way toward her waist where he let them rest. Every nerve in her body told her to arch further back, to make contact with his body, to hit upon the powerful tool she needed to achieve the high she craved. He held her immobile, not letting her find what she needed.

She felt his breath on her neck, his mouth less than an inch from her neck.

“You really have been a very bad girl, you know.”

She moaned.  The game always changed, she could never be sure what he was playing at, and the tension to find out was almost too much.  Through a haze, she felt her nipples tightening and aching, her labia swelling, her pussy becoming even wetter. All this, and he had not even touched any of those places. Damn him and his power over her.

His tongue lapped up droplets of water,- or was it sweat- from her neck.

“Lisa, did you hear me?”

His voice was barely a whisper, the dark timbre stroking her nerves. 

She nodded.

One hand left her waist.  She held her breath.

A second later, she felt the sting on her behind and her head jerked back, her eyes flying open. 

“What?” – The words were a sob.

A sob of ecstasy more so than pain.

“I asked if you were aware that you have been really bad.  And on your birthday…”

“No,  Michael, how was I bad?”  The defiance in her voice edged him on.

The flat hand descended again against her, the sting driving her to distraction, the echo filling the tiled room. The sensation extended from her behind to her clit and her uterus, as her muscles fluttered.

“Michael” She sobbed again.

“You did not invite me.  You hurt my feelings.”

His hand left her ass once more and she held her breath, anticipating its impact. And it came- delivered with precision force, slightly sharper than the previous blow.

“Oh, my God. Michael I am sorry … I’m sorry.”  She was beginning to see stars behind her closed lids.  No way could she be this close to orgasm!

Michael watched the woman writhing in front of him.  Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, her face contorted in a mixture of pleasure and pain.  Her back was arched, her perfect ass right there, ready for the taking.  He knew he had not really hurt her- knew how to measure his punishment to inflict pleasure and not pain.  The sensitive skin on her behind was turning read after the three light slaps- the spanking she so richly deserved.

Michael looked own down on himself, his penis painfully engorged and straining upward on his tight stomach.  He felt like he was about to explode, the pleasure of seeing her perfect body, of knowing she was his, headier than the most powerful drug. His hand returned to her waist, as he started to kneel down, caressing her ass softly now.  One hand reached up toward her breast, his long fingers finding her breast, massaging it, feeling her rock hard nipple in the palm of his hand.  He started placing butterfly kisses on the red marks of her butt, as his fingers found her nipple and rubbed it, tortured it.   He felt her shivering, calling his name again; her voice barely audible now.

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