Chapter 18

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The moon shone down on the couple walking hand in hand, skirting the foaming waves kissing the golden sand.  The beach was not very crowded on the cool February night, and Michael felt that for once, he might actually blend in with other beach goers.  He initially had planned on wearing his fedora, but his plan was thwarted by the breeze.  Since he did not feel like actually experiencing the frigid Pacific waters, he grudgingly had agreed to leave the hat behind. 

The cool air served to cool the lovers down- and Michael finally felt his hard on subside to bearable pain levels.  He reached down and adjusted himself, hoping that Lisa would for once not pay attention. No such luck:

“If you need someone to touch that monster, I would be happy to do it for you, Jackson.”

“Do you see everything?”

“Hey, I get jealous when Mike Junior gets handled by someone other than me.”

He giggled.

“Do you, now?  And why do you call it ‘Mike Junior?’”

She grinned, “No reason.”

“Is that what girls do?  They name their guys’ penises?”

“Well, this girl does. “

Had he said he was her “guy?”  Lisa could not suppress the joyful feeling accompanying those words. 

Michael, in the meant time was tempted to ask if naming penises was a habit she extended to her other lovers as well.  The thought, once again put him in a sour mood.  It annoyed him to know she was still seeing other men.  They were not officially a couple, but they were seeing each other on a pretty regular basis, and each instance involved mind blowing sex.  So, why did she still need to date other men? Next, Michael became angry at himself for being annoyed.  He knew and understood he was married- and not to Lisa.  So, really, Lisa could do whatever she pleased and fuck whoever she saw fit. But really, as long as she came running back to him, why could she not just stay away from other guys? 

They walked in silence for a while.  Michael stopped and let go of Lisa’s hand, turning toward the ocean, gazing upward at the stars which had started to appear through the haze of clouds. 

Lisa felt the quality of his reticence changing from relaxed to withholding. 

She stepped up behind him, seeking the heat of his body, resting her head on his back as her arms circled his slender waist.

“Michael, what’s wrong?”

He shook his head.

“Stop bullshitting.  You were fine a moment ago, what happened?”

“I don’t know…”

Well, this was progress.  At least he had answered her.  Memories of so many other times when he had chosen to just ignore her pleas to talk to her, to include her in his secret thoughts, to invite her into his world came rushing in.  Lisa reminded herself to not react to the past, but to deal with the present.

“What did I say, Michael? If you don’t tell me, I can’t make it better.”

“I did not ask you to make it better.”

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