Chapter 20

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Lisa snuggled against Michael's chest, listening to his erratic heartbeat slowing down to regular speed. He stroked and kissed her hair, and she soaked up the affection he showed her with his actions and now, almost surprisingly, his words. Some of her favorite moments in this relationship involved his tenderness and sweetness after making love. As domineering and demanding as he could be, he never left her without showing her gentleness and love afterwards. Those two sides of the coin were one of the reasons keeping her addicted to him. He was the whole package- no pun intended, because his package was unparalleled. He was an amazingly skilled lover, never selfish, and was very in tune with her need to be just held and loved at times. Of course, he was also playful and insatiable, and something told her Michael was not done playing for tonight.

"So, about that glass friend of yours... Don't you need to be cooled down a bit yet?" A small smile appeared on her lips. She knew this man so well. Lisa felt his breath caressing her as she trembled in his arms. A cool down was needed indeed. Let the games begin!

"Can you get me some ice?"


"I will tell you in a second. You go and shave- I want that beautiful face all nice and smooth." She held his chin in her hand and placed small pecks on his sensual lips which he playfully returned.

"So, if I threw you on the floor and started eating that juicy pussy right now, stubble and all, you would fight me?" His raspy voice was all the fuel needed to start her squirming in his lap, making her ultra aware of just how wet she was. Oh yes, the glass would serve her fine before he would supply the heat to send her over the edge. If she could wait that long. Thinking about the contrast of the cold, hard, unforgiving glass, replaced by his more pliant and pulsing steel drove her crazy with anticipation.

While Michael retrieved the ice, she pulled off her dress, leaving her underwear, stockings, and shoes in place. He returned from the kitchen with a champagne bucket full of ice. Reaching for her hand, he led her to the bedroom, placing the ice on her nightstand. Funny, how she continued to think of the right side of the bed as hers, even after not having shared a bed with him for any amount of time in a while.

Michael turned to her and wrapped her into his arms again, kissing her, while Lisa helpfully opened his shirt and removed it, running her fingers over his gleaming skin. Michael returned the favor by tracing his fingers up her spine, enjoying her sighs and the shivers decorating her tan body. Finally, he broke away, slapping her ass sharply, drawing a yelp of surprise.

"What was that for?"

"For distracting my earlier by making me cum. I told you I want to see you play with yourself. Your problem is you never listen to me."

She stuck her tongue out at him, which earned her another loud slap, causing her to scamper around the bed, throwing herself onto the soft, crimson comforter.


"No more for now! Stop begging!" He laughed at her pretend shocked face.

"I am SO not begging, Mister!"

A cocky smile graced that gorgeous mouth, "But you will, princess, give it some time."

With that he disappeared into the bathroom. Lisa shook her head, knowing full well that he might be right.

Once she heard the water running, she left the room to get her bag. She stopped at the bar in his living room and poured them both a glass of wine. Back in the bedroom, she smiled, hearing him sing in the bathroom. It occurred to her just how much she missed those little things; like him always having to make some kind of noise no matter what he was doing. If he was not singing or humming, he was beat boxing or reproducing the sound of just about any instrument on the planet- and probably some from other galaxies as well. At times, she had witnessed him just creating whole songs on the sly, while doing something totally unrelated such as cooking or playing around with the kids. He usually kept his recorder close to be able to capture the sounds and lyrics that just streamed out of him.

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