Chapter 27

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Lisa opened her eyes and wondered how the hell he had gotten into her bed.  Anger would have been the expected emotion, but instead she found herself feeling oddly content and at peace.  She could not help but smile at him.  He kissed her head. “Hey, sleepy head.”

“Hey, yourself. How did you get in?”

That typical boyish grin graced his gorgeous face and he dangled his key above her

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That typical boyish grin graced his gorgeous face and he dangled his key above her.  Her efforts to grab it were thwarted by his speed.  That proud  Cheshire-cat grin, again. “You didn’t really think I gave this up, did y’a?”

The smile faded.  She remembered the key sent to her by messenger service without so much as a note.  At first, Lisa had been annoyed that he had indeed made a copy of the key he borrowed from Janet the night of her party before hurt registered.   Michael obviously no longer wanted to have access to her house.  Or anything else to do with her.  He had been serious and pulled one of his famous acts of eliminating what he deemed to be superfluous people from his life.  Still, here he was- with yet another way in.

“I thought you wanted me out of your life for good?”

Michael’s hand cupped her cheek.  She was mesmerized by the sheen of tears appearing in his opaque eyes.  His hand felt warm and reassuring as did the emotions emanating from his heart.  Instinctively, she snuggled against the caress like a little cat.

“Lisa, I could, never, ever not have you in my life.  You are my life.  You are everything I ever wanted.  I am so sorry, I was such an ass.  It was horrible not being in touch- it was the hardest thing I have ever done, and I don’t see any reason to keep this up.”

Something was weird.

“Like what, Michael.  What does that mean?  You are tired of keeping what up?” Could he for once be clear and stop the confusion?

“I’m tired of not being together.  It makes zero sense.  We have been with each other for years now.  We can’t stand to be apart. I say, we go ahead and do it.”

“What about Debbie?”

“Debbie?  What does she…”

She raised an eyebrow in disapproval.  Not that question again.  Once again, he seemed to conveniently forget that his wife was one of the main obstacles keeping them from being together.

He laughed. “Gotcha! I knew that would get a rise out of you. Silly! I already talked to Debbie.  I also had the divorce papers drawn up.  See? I came prepared.”

Her mouth had dropped open, and he took the opportunity to bend forward to steal a kiss. His tongue was hot velvet against her lips, she inhaled the scent of vanilla and cinnamon, and greedily felt herself responding.  Still, her mind continued to stay somewhat detached.  Was he serious?  Fear stirred in her stomach and circled the equally strong arousal like a double helix.  This was everything she had wanted to hear and everything she had feared at the same time.  The two sided coin again.  How typical of him to just jump in and make the decision for both of them. When Michael set his mind to something it was a done deal.  Was she ready, could she do it?  Could she throw caution to the wind and try again?  The funny feeling in her stomach turned and she realized she was happy.  She almost had forgotten what it felt like, but there it was: unbridled, unabashed happiness.  Their second chance was within reach.  All she had to do was reach out, grab it, and never let it go.  Never let him go.

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