Chapter 25

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Lisa blinked twice, thrown by his question and the language used.  How dare he?  After everything he was doing he wanted to question her about Danny?

“I take it you answered my call?”

“You asked me to.”

“No, I asked you to see if it was Riley calling.”

“It wasn’t Riley.”

No shit.

“So, why did you answer it?  It was none of your business.”

Michael just stared at her, shook his head, and then left the bathroom.  How dare she act like he somehow had invaded her privacy?  This was his condo. She was in his tub, asking him to answer her phone like he was her secretary.  He saw Danny’s name on the caller ID, and, knowing that the children were with him, had thought that maybe it was an important call about something to do with the kids.  So, naturally, he had answered.  It had nothing to do with wanting to get into her business.  Plus, if she was seeing Danny on the side, wasn’t that his business as long as she was in this relationship with him?

If Danny was surprised that Michael answered Lisa’s call, he certainly hid it well.  He asked to have Lisa return his call regarding meeting up later that week.  Of course, realistically, that could mean anything.  But Michael decided to come in with both guns blasting, hoping her surprise would prevent lies. 

Lisa in turn decided to let Michael sulk and took her sweet time finishing the bath

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Lisa in turn decided to let Michael sulk and took her sweet time finishing the bath.  She had in the past rushed after him when he had run off to sulk like a little kid, but was not willing to indulge his behavior right now.  She was upset that he didn’t trust her, and that he, who was married and about to have another baby with the woman he put above her at the end of their marriage, had the balls to call her out about spending time with her ex-husband, whom she just happened to share children with.  The more the thoughts churned over and over in her mind, the darker her mood became.  By the time she left the bathroom wrapped in a towel, she was steaming mad.

Michael was stretched out across the bed, watching an old movie, busily ignoring her. Lisa dropped her towel and started to get dressed, making sure to make as much noise as possible in the process.  She retrieved her overnight bag and threw things into it, including Michael’s birthday present.  When it landed with a loud clanking sound, he looked at her and raised an eyebrow before reaching for the remote to turn the volume up.

“When you’re done pretending I’m not here, can you have your driver take me back to the airfield?”

Michael did not answer.  She felt like placing her hands around that gorgeous neck and choking the daylights out of him. Seemed like her old enemy, the silent treatment, was back.

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