Chapter 32

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“Would you stop laughing? Nothing about this is remotely funny.”  Michael finally managed to pull his pants on and almost injured himself pulling the zipper closed. He cast yet another angry and almost accusatory look at Lisa who had thrown herself back on his bed after she pulled her clothes on in a hurry.

“Yes it is.” Lisa could barely speak, her voice sounding choked from yet another hysterical outburst. “I mean, come on Mike, this is hilarious.  First we are screwing on your stairs like two teens without a home, then Nursey, …,” she intercepted Michael’s warning gaze, “I mean, your wife, catches us, and now you almost castrate yourself with that damn zipper again ‘cause you’re so bent out of shape.” Lisa was racked by another fit. “Hey, maybe you should try Velcro – ‘cause zippers are just not your thing.”

Michael rolled his eyes, clearly not in the mood to see the humorous side to any of this. He sank down next to her on the bed, raking his hand through the curls that had become lose during their passionate encounter.

“Oh, my  God! This was totally horrifying.  Lisa, did you see her face?”

Lisa grabbed a pillow and hid in it, attempting to muffle a new wave of chuckles. 

“How can you be so cruel, Lise?  She looked shocked- and so angry.  How in the world will I face her when I get downstairs?  I swear, I don’t think I will ever manage to go downstairs again.” Dramatically, he covered his face with both hands.

Lisa tossed the pillow she had used as a muffler toward his head with gusto.  “Are you nuts?  This is your house.  And we were in your suite- with the door shut.   No one asked her to come in.  And I sure didn’t hear any knocking.  I don’t buy her surprised act.  Are you telling me she came up toward your bedroom suite and did not hear us? Gimme a break! I mean, we weren’t exactly engaged in silent prayer.”

Michael continued keep his head buried in his hands and sank forward.

“You are not helping.  You think she heard us while we were…making love…eh, having sex? On no! I will just die!”

“Seriously, can you get a grip?  Since when has it ever bothered you that people hear us?  And what was it, Michael, having sex or making love?”

When he finally raised his head again, he found her eyes on him.  He detected an insecure expression, a softness that belied her tough words and demeanor.  Why was she so damn confusing all the time?  And why did it matter to her what words he used? At least he was communicating.  Her lack of such communication got them to this point, after all. If she had just given him a straight answer before none of this would have happened.  They would not have had words and he would not have been tempted by her to go all wild and crazy right there in plain view.  Well, semi -plain view, anyway.  He had to admit, Lisa was right about the door having been closed. 

Not that he regretted having made love for one second.  Some macho part of him was thrilled to have proven to her that she was still not immune to him that he was indeed able to evoke continued passionate responses from her.   On the other hand, the plan had been to soften her up into telling him what was so damn secret about her health.  It would have worked, too, had not Debbie chosen the most inopportune moment to come looking for him.  He cringed remembering seeing her standing there like some wounded deer.  An angry wounded deer.  Or maybe more like a wounded dragon. 

“It bothers me to think how hurt she must have been.  I don’t care if random strangers hear us- I mean, I do, but...well…”

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