Chapter 31

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Well, if Lisa thought he would just back down now, she was dead wrong.  The path of kisses ended at her ear. “Shut up, woman; just shut up for once…You always talk too much.”

He nibbled on her earlobe before retracing his path back to that seductive mouth.  Instead of kissing her he just kept his lips close to hers and Lisa jumped into action, her teeth capturing his succulent bottom lip, biting it gently before sucking on it.  She might as well have drawn on his penis, because the effect was almost the same.  He was rock hard once more.  Why, oh why, had he bothered to close his jeans up again?   A barely perceptible whimper escaped from Lisa, and Michael was not entirely clear if she was objecting or urging him on.

“Don’t’ say anything.  Just feel me, feel us.  I need you so much; don’t make me stop, please.” His voice was both a sedative and a stimulant.  Lisa felt utterly defeated and betrayed by her own lack of valid defenses. Barely able to orient herself, she noticed Michael had already started to discard her shirt and was unhooking her bra.  Instead of fighting him off, her treacherous fingers attempted to unbutton that damn red shirt, only to find it was easier to just pull it open, imitating his onstage move, sending buttons flying and rattling away on the hard wood floors.  Next, she found his shirt and lifted it over his head, needing to feel his skin, to kiss his chest, to trace her mouth to his nipples that she found deliciously hard and raised.  He was a heady feast, and kissing him reminded her of vanilla and cinnamon.  Through the drumfire of her own pulse, she caught Michael’s moans and small cries which served to heighten her state of frenzy.

One more time.  I just want to feel him fill all of me one more single time. This is it; it will last me a life time…I promise…

Lisa was not sure she believed her own lie, but in this moment was as good a rationalization as any.

Michael felt that whatever access he had to her was not enough.  He had managed to free her breast and pushed her off for a second to feast his eyes before his watering mouth reciprocated her treatment.  His lapped and suckled on one rigid peak, before Lisa thought the mixture of pain and pleasure would drive her insane, and then he switched to the other side.  Lisa had thrown her head back and offered her chest to him without further protest, while her hands made the trip from his chest to his abs and found the button and zipper of his jeans.  Michael had raised himself above her on the stairs, providing each lover with improved access to the other. 

Michael let Lisa open his fly, but prevented her from touching the part of him that called out to her to fee him, aiming to prolong the delicious torture.  Also, he found she continued to wear too many clothes entirely.  He grabbed her under her arms and lifted her up, making her scoot up several steps, leaving her sitting slightly above him. Breathless, he looked up at her, mesmerized by the feverish look in her eyes, her tousled hair, and her beautiful breast, the tips still wet and erect.  She was sexual temptation personified and he could not wait to conquer her, proving once again that she was his.

His gaze lowered from her chest to her still clothed hips.

“Take them off.”

Lisa’s eyebrow was raised in that cocky fashion he knew so well. Continuing to hold his gaze, she slowly raised her hands, but instead of stopping at the waist band of her jeans, she let her fingers caress her breast, pinching her nipples, before tracing the swell of her mounds, then enjoying her touch down her abs, followed by tracing the waistband of her pants across her belly.

“Lisa- stop messing around. Take them off. Now!” His voice was a low growl now.

Lisa’s lips formed a small, knowing smile as she leisurely opened the silver button and gradually unzipped.  Michael felt blood rushing through him in torrents, watching her seductive dance as she lifted her hips off the step and then undulated her hips, pulling down her pants.  Sitting back down, she kicked off her shoes and straightened her legs.  Reading the cue, he pulled the pants from her in one swift motion, as Lisa held on to the top stair to remain seated.

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