Chapter 7

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Lisa Marie decided to call it a night. The party was winding down and she had a pounding tension headache.  All night long, she had been the perfect hostess, perfect party girl, perfect daughter, and perfect mother.  She had even made sure to not let her alcohol consumption get out of hand until Riley and Ben had left with Priscilla.  They would spend the night with their grandmother before being picked up by Danny for a vacation tomorrow. 

Janet had left earlier than expected. She gave her a big hug  and asked her not to let her brother get to her.  Yeah….easier said than done.  Lisa could not believe he had sent her a sex toy!  What in the world went on in this man’s mind sometimes?  Of course, after staring at it a while debating if she should cave his head in with the thing, she had burst out laughing, started to see how funny this was.  She wondered how Michael had bought this gift.  Did he send one of his personal assistants out?  Did he order it on the Internet? 

The accompanying card read, “Something to tie you over till I see you again.  Oh, and …does it look familiar?”  Well, the girth and length looked VERY familiar.  As did the shape and form.  Michael, the egomaniac had a dildo made according to his measurements. Which, of course were amazing and astounding- even after all those years, and thus made for an impressive toy.  But still?  Who does that?  Oh, yeah, the King of her world- Michael Jackson.

She took the toy out and held it in her hands- the glass feeling cool and smooth- except for the built in ridges.  Lisa smiled and shook her head again.  He was nuts.  And she missed him so much.  She considered putting her present to good use. It would be rude to be ungrateful and disregard presents, after all- but she decided to take a shower first.  She poured herself a glass of red wine and turned on her CD player as she took off her dress, her stocking, and her lingerie. 

The music followed her into her roomy bathroom due to the speakers connected to the main unit.  She turned the water on as Michael’s voice started to fill the room.  She shook her head- she had not even paid attention what was loaded in her cd player.  Michael’s Dangerous might not have been her first selection this night. Part of her was still upset that he had not called, had not bothered to get in touch with her.  And sending a dildo did not qualify as an outreach attempt. 

As the water warmed and the bathroom started to steam up her mirrors, Lisa picked up her remote one more time to turn up the volume.  It felt so good to be home alone and to not have to worry about the children.  She stepped into her large shower.  The walls and floors were tiled in light colored Italian tile, rounded, built in granite seats occupied the walls on two sides.  The shower held multiple shower heads, and right now, she had two shower heads on opposing walls turned on, massaging her tired body, soothing her mind.  She reached for the shampoo and worked the lather into her hair, then rinsed it off.

Michael’s song, In The Closet, reverberated from the tiled walls, she could fell the bass physically, her heart rate amplifying with the beat.  Her breathing likewise increased as she started to lather her body with Jasmine scented shower gel.  She felt herself moving to the music, her pelvis swaying to the beat. Her hands felt wonderful on her increasingly sensitive skin.  The song, as always started to heat her blood, and she noticed a familiar, warm feeling spreading from her core to the center of her womanhood.  The wetness had nothing whatsoever to do with the surrounding water. Lisa used the lather around her breasts now, lingering on her suddenly large and pointed nipples, the palm of her hands flat against them, applying pressure. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back, one hand gliding down her stomach toward the patch of tawny hair.

Suddenly, a cool breeze entered the heated space, making shiver bumps appear on her skin.

“Need some help?” The words were spoken in a deep voice, the words slurred lazily.

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