Chapter 13

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Michael checked his watch for what must have been the hundredth time.  He should not be surprised to see she was late. He had arrived at the private airfield late as well in an attempt to compensate for the difference between actual time and Lisa-time.  He had flown into LA this morning to make sure everything was ready for the night at his condo.  He had been unable to fall asleep and had finally given up and worked on some songs he had been trying to finalize. 

After he had arrived at his condo, he planned to lie down for a minute to relax before heading out to the airfield to pick up Lisa.  He suspected she had been surprised to receive his little message, but he had no doubt she would do her best to comply with his requests. He felt himself harden, thinking about the plans he had for them.  At times, he was still surprised what thoughts of being with her could do to his body.  He had long ago stopped fighting this crazy need to have her surrender to him, this urge to prove to her that no one else would ever measure up.  She always accused him of having to be in control, when really, she was just as bossy and possibly even more willful.  However, there were certain times when she did not seem to mind his assertiveness. Outside the bedroom, their power struggles were more pronounced and tended to end in much less satisfactory ways. 

It still stung how she had ended their marriage.  She might not see it the same way, but she was the one who had left, the one who would not stick around and battle through the tough times.  She had promised to give him a family, and then had basically given her permission to use Debbie as a surrogate.  Only, when had taken her up on her dare, she turned around and left, pretending she was over him and done with their relationship.  If she had thought he would fall apart and give up on his dream, she was sadly mistaken. And still, knowing all this, knowing how they had crashed and burned, he could not resist the pull back to her, could not ignore how good they were together.  He just had the hardest time trying and figure out if their relationship could survive outside the bedroom as well.  But for today, he did not have to worry about it.  She seemed very happy when he promised to take her out in public.  And later…well, later was all about their sexual connection.

Michael had not even noticed he had fallen asleep, but he remembered dreaming of Lisa and him in Paris.  They had just entered their room after walking through the streets hand in hand.  He had closed the door and was leaning against it.  She looked out the window in amazement at the sea of people below, chanting his name.  Slowly she turned and walked toward him until she was standing so close he could feel her body heat, smell her sweet perfume.  She raised herself on her tiptoes, still barely able to reach his lips despite her heels.  Her lips met his in a very soft, gently contact.  He kept his eyes open, as did she, while he returned her light kisses. 

She whispered to him, between kisses, “Hear that, baby? Hear them call your name? They want you, but you are all … mine.”

With the last word, her hands found the button on his jeans, which she undid with great mastery before sliding the sipper down, freeing his straining erection.  His eyes widened, as he felt her hand caressing his steel, holding it with a firm grasp.

“And you, Michael, what do you want?”

He cleared his throat. “I need to go out on the balcony and wave, but before that…”


“Before I do that, I want you to get down on your knees and open your mouth.”

“Yes, sir.” With that she sank to her knees and he almost forgot his fans below. 

The phone rang and he sat up on the bed with a start.  It was the driver informing him that the SUV was ready to take him to the airfield.  He had barely enough time to quickly jump into the shower, which helped to tame the raging hard on he had awakened with.  He just grabbed the nearest clothes he could find.  He was impatient now to see her again, and did not feel like investing time in carefully picking out matching attire. One of the nice things that came with his fame was that he really did not have to worry about how he dressed.  Plus, had Lisa not just made fun of his mismatched clothes?  Well, she would have a field day with his blue shirt and green pants.  Before he left his condo, his eyes fell on a black silk mask that was lying on the dresser.  He had not had time to shave today, so this little extra would add a nice touch.

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