Chapter 26

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Lisa heard something breaking against the wall in a loud crash.  She quickly threw on her sweater and jacket, and headed for the door, undeterred by whatever chaos Michael unleashed.  His temper was well known to her.  He kept the secret under tight lock, but those around him knew about the occasional broken cell phones and vases. Michael had a definite problem when he felt things were spiraling out of his control.  Well, he would just have to accept once and for all that she was not under his rule any longer.  She had broken free.  And she was happy about it.  As soon as her eyes stopped burning from unshed tears, she would convince herself that she no longer needed him and was happy to be rid of his unpredictable, control freak, arrogant ass. 

Her phone rang again, and automatically, she reached into her purse to check the ID.  The second delay cost her.  She sensed a movement behind her and before she had a second to even think about what was happening, his arm reached over her shoulder, his hand pushing against the door, slamming it shut.  Fucking hell! If he thought so little of her, why did he make such a big deal about her leaving?  He should be glad to be rid of the woman who he thought was sharing her goodies with the world.

Lisa stilled all motion.  She continued to face the door.  Fine.  Let him think he won.  The phone kept ringing, and her fingers clicked the on button, followed by her slowly lifting the phone to her ear.  Possibly, some part of her told her that she could delay the continuation of her fight with Michael.

Michael had heard her getting ready to leave.  A big part of him screamed out to just let her desert him- that is all she ever had been good for.  She had fulfilled his needs, she could just go and be on her way.  He didn’t need her, didn’t love her.  Why did his chest feel like it was about to explode?  He did not care that she left.  On the other hand, he had not said everything he wanted to say, and no way in the world was he going to let her rush out of here like some injured doe.  Looking at the parts of the shattered cell phone strewn around the room, he momentarily regretted having hurled it against the closed bedroom door, before he shook off the thought and ran after her.  Thanks to her ringing phone, she had not managed to make it into the hall, and he was able to shut the door, trapping her between it and his body. Michael had expected her to turn and hurl curses at him.  He was prepared to catch and restrain her before she could attack him with her fists.  Surprisingly, Lisa did not follow the old playbook. How infuriating! She kept her back turned to him and answered her phone.  Was she kidding?  They were in the middle of a discussion and she chose to answer her phone?  If this was Danny and she wanted to confirm their date, her phone would soon join his in cell phone heaven.

“Yeah, hi.  Well, I was busy.  No, I can’t talk right now.”

So, it was Danny! That bitch!

“No, mother, I have no clue what you are referring to.”

Ok, not Danny.  It was only the wicked witch.  Well, that was ok, since she undoubtedly called to torture Lisa.  Right now, he was all on board with that.

“What pictures?”

Lisa finally turned.  She backed up a step and leaned against the door. Her eyes found his.  He was amazed how turned on he became by the icy reflection. Pictures?  Oh, great! Cilla must have scrounged up the tabloid.  He seriously hoped seeing her baby girl with the number one enemy of the Presley Empire would cause her enough wrinkles to need a vat of botox.

“Well, I did not know I owed you an explanation.  For a second there I thought I was thirty years old. Oh wait, I am!”

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