Chapter 46

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Michael checked the car clock for the hundredth time.  Ok, he had only been on the road for an hour and traffic was not too bad.  Why did time seem to stand still?  For a moment, he second-guessed his decision to drive back to LA without a driver, but when he had received the call all his logical planning thoughts went up in smoke.  He ran to talk to the nanny, making sure she knew he would be out for the night, then dashed downstairs, getting into his Mercedes. 

This day had gone from glorious, full of amazing visions for a great future, to horrible, and then taken a dip into frantic nightmare land.  The talk with Debbie had been torturous.  Her eyes had seemed to pop out of her head once he had inadvertently spilled the beans about Lisa and the baby.  Her mouth had stood open, her face turned red, then pale.  He seriously hoped she wouldn’t faint as he did not have to do mouth to mouth on her… Well, good thing staff had started to return for the night. 

“What do you mean, she’s pregnant?” She managed to puff out when she finally had caught her breath.

“Are you ok?  Is the baby ok? You look…out of it.”

“Yeah, I’m out of it.  I must have misheard you.  Did you say, little Princess Lisa was pregnant?”

“Cut the c… I mean be serious.  I know you heard me.  Yes, she’s pregnant.  Hence she has no motive to sell any stories to any tabloids to pay me back. It makes no sense.”

In his mind, he had already figured out the identity of the so called private source.  The wicked witch of Graceland obviously had struck again.  Only this time she had ridden her broom into the center of the tornado of his wrath.  It was understandable that she was less than thrilled that her daughter was carrying the baby of a married man, however, without her constant interference, he would still be married to Lisa and work on baby number two or three by now.  But no, the prejudiced, evil woman had used her power over Lisa and Lisa’s constant insecurities to wedge her hatred between them, pulling them apart.

Well, now she had chosen to involve his child in her sick game and that was a line she should never have crossed. 

“And she is trying to sell that she is carrying your baby, Michael?  I’m very sorry, but I didn’t think you were that dumb.”

Debbie interrupted his thoughts of Priscilla, and her words did nothing to calm his rising temper.

“Excuse me?”

Debbie let lose one of her fake laughs.  The sound felt like sharp needles being inserted in to his brain.

“Michael, love! Lisa fucks anything with legs and a cock.  Legs being optional here! You know she probably was going behind your back when you were married giving it to her ex- and who knows to how many others.  And then she wanted you back, all of a sudden.  After you moved on, mind you.  Now, she conveniently has gotten herself impregnated.  With a child she did not want to give you when you were married.  And you don’t find that slightly odd?”

Well, a couple of days ago he might have- but now he was not in the mood for Debbie’s venom.  Furthermore, this was not the topic he wanted to discuss with her.

“Why don’t you mind your own business?  I called you here to discuss our divorce.”

And those were the words that send Debbie into nuclear break-down.  Michael closed his eyes for a short second, trying to block out the rest of the talk.  Debbie, predictably, had refused.  Still, he was not giving up and he was not too discouraged.  Her business sense surely would overrule her hurt pride.  She professed to love him- well, if she did, she would realize that love often meant letting go.  And if she just loved what he represented to her, he was willing to pay a pretty price to break free.  A price high enough to ease her pain.  If only the timing was not so off.  His baby was just about to be born- and once she was here, he could finally cut all ties to Debbie. 

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