Chapter 5

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“So, do you expect my brother?”

Lisa frowned. 

“Your brother can go straight to hell, for all I care.”

Janet laughed.

“Sure he can. What did he do now?”

“Nothing.  What does Michael ever do?  Nothing.  He runs his mouth and promises you the moon- and the stars as a bonus gift.  Then…nada..rien…”

She shook her head in anger and reached for the Grey Goose vodka.  Time for a drink. It was her birthday after all.

“So, if all he does is nothing, what keeps you coming back for more...of nothing…?”

Janet smiled wickedly at her former sister in law

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Janet smiled wickedly at her former sister in law.

Lisa had poured her drink and was now letting the ice clink against the crystal glass, watching the clear liquid create a kaleidoscope of light.

“You know, that is a marvelous question.  Maybe it is time to make some changes.  Maybe it’s time to move on.”

Janet just gazed at Lisa.  She had heard those words before. As a matter of fact, she had heard those words over and over and over- from both Lisa and Michael.  Those two were entangled in a dangerous tug of war. They could not stand to be in one room for more than thirty minutes without either mortally wounding each other…or ending up screwing each other’s brains out. She was Michael’s sister, but she heard stories from her close friend…stories no sister should have to listen to about her brother.  Damn- Mike held Lisa in his spell alright. Magic wand and all…

“He didn’t call you, did he?” Janet asked with an empathetic voice.

Lisa took a big sip of her drink, felt the vodka coursing through her veins.

“Of course not.  Don’t you know, the King does not deign to call somebody as lowly as me on her birthday- no matter he promised.”

“I’m sorry, Lis. Maybe he was busy.”

“He is always busy, Janet.  Oh, but he sent me a present.”

Janet raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, that was nice.”

Lisa gave her a strange, angry look, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Yeah. Lovely.”

“Well….dish.  What is it?  More bling?”

“Depends on your definition of bling.  It’s ….a bauble alright.”

“Can I see it?”

Lisa laughed in a dry, sarcastic way, her eyes holding a cold glimmer.

“Are you sure you are strong enough- this one will blow your frigging mind.”

Janet laughed.

“Lisa, how bad can it be?”

“Janet, dear. This one is a doozey.”

Lisa motioned toward the stairs and led the way to her bedroom.

She went over to her bed which was cluttered with ripped, red wrapping paper.  In the center sat a box.  Lisa went over and opened the top.  The container was the size of a shoebox. It was shiny black.  She looked at Janet and raised an eyebrow.


“Jesus, Lisa, why the dramatics?”

“Don’t say, I didn’t warn you.”

She opened the box.  Janet saw the inside held soft, shiny, satin lining.  And on the lining she saw the object in all its glory.

Her eyes widened in surprise. She covered her mouth and started laughing hysterically.

“Holy shit!”

“Your brother is one sick person, I tell you.”

Lisa shook her head as she removed the large glass dildo from the box.

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