Chapter 12

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The sound of her home phone ringing almost made Lisa drop the glass she clutched in her hand.  Finally!  She launched herself across the couch and thus prevented her mother, who was sitting closer to the phone, from answering.

“Well, it’s about time. I thought you forgot about me.”

“Hi Lis, I am glad to talk to you, too.”

Wrong Jackson.  Damn it.  Lisa turned away from her mother who looked like she was attempting to raise an eyebrow in questioning manner.

“Hi, Janet. Sorry, I thought it was someone else.”

“I hope that someone is not my brother- as that would mean he has not called you again since…”

“Oh, since you lent out the key I trusted you with?”

Lisa got up from the couch and left the room.  She turned slightly and looked at her mother who had picked up a magazine from the coffee table, trying to pretend she was not listening to her daughter’s conversation.  Lisa was still unsure as to the purpose of her mother’s visit.  Which, by the way was highly inopportune since she was still waiting for Michael to fill her in on details of their date tonight.  That was, if the date was still on…  She knew she probably should not have snapped at Janet, but her nerves were shot.

“Look, I am sorry, he sounded like he really wanted to see you, and I thought that maybe a visit from him was just what you needed.  I hope you two didn’t fight all night.”

“No, not exactly...”  A smile appeared on her face, remembering details of Michael’s visit.

“Ah, ok, then, I don’t need to hear anything else.  And…you are welcome.”

“Look, I can’t talk right now, I have company.  But if you happen to talk to the person in question, please have him give me a call.  We have to discuss details of an upcoming …ah...arrangement.”

“Is you mother over?”


“Ok, just call me back when she leaves.  And don’t worry, the key has been returned to me by messenger today.”

“Oh, I see.  So you haven’t talked to him?”

“No, but I will see what I can find out. You two really need to get your shit straight.”

“Thank you for the advice.  And please keep me posted.” She tried to keep her tone formal to keep her mother from sniffing blood.

Lisa clicked the phone off, and tried to steady her hand, taking a deep breath.  Why had he not called?  He knew how she hated to be left hanging like that.  Or maybe, that was what was going on- he showed her that he could do whatever he wanted now that they were no longer married.  Which was ridiculous, because as she saw it, he had always done exactly what he wanted.  But before she had leverage, could threaten to leave him. Now what?  Now the only thing she had was this strange relationship based on her crazy addiction to him.  He had told her he loved her, but what did that really mean? He had told her that before and then not batted an eye when she filed for divorce.

She wished she could just tell herself that she did not care.  She wanted to be strong enough to threaten him and give him the ultimatum of either divorcing Debbie and remarrying her, or risk losing her for good.  But what if he decided she was not worth it?  What if left her with the choice to either live in limbo like now, or break it off?  Could she really go through with it?

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