Chapter 16

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Lisa was laughing so hard her abs hurt.  Michael was giggling hysterically right alongside her, and she detected tears running down his face.  As the suburban pulled off, the white camera flashes illuminating the darkness became fainter with increasing distance.  They sat turned slightly away from each other, trying to calm down since every time they turned toward each other, one look sufficed to send them off into another attack of laughter.

“Hey look, it worked!”  Michael was finally able to speak again, his voice still shaky from all the fun he was having.

He removed his mask, smiling triumphantly. 

“I told you they won’t follow.”

“Why the hell would they follow?  They already got their show.  Mike, what the hell got into you out there?”

A little while earlier, as they prepared to leave the Ivy, Michael asked her if she was ready to have some fun.  She looked at him suspiciously.

“Mike, I’m still a bit sore- can you give me a minute here?”

He blushed and lowered his eyes.

“Lisa, shhhht!”

“You weren’t telling me to be quiet when you made me scream.  Come to think of it, you were pretty loud yourself.”

He giggled and reached out, putting his hand over her mouth to stop her teasing.  She held on to it as she had earlier when he fed her cake and kissed his palm.

“No, seriously, I just got a call that the vultures have descended. Let’s go out and see.”

Oh great, the paps had found them.  Lisa knew how Michael hated photographers, so she mentally prepared to be covered by her coat, rushed to the car, and being shoved in right behind him in a mad dash.  She looked around for the bodyguard and driver.

“Who are you looking for?”

“Your bodyguard and the driver- I know the drill.  Don’t worry, I won’t look up.”

“Don’t be silly, girl. Let’s go take a walk.”

Lisa stopped and stared at Michael again in disbelief.

“Go for a walk?”

“Yeah, let’s go window shopping.”

“How drunk are you?  Go window shopping, now? With the paparazzi out there?”

He giggled again and assured her it would be fun.


She rose up on her tiptoes and scrutinized his face, turning her head one way, then another. 

“Lisa, what?”

“What? I am looking to see who you are and I want to know what you did with my husband. When did you take over? I think I am pretty sure he was the one fucking me a moment ago….but I could be wrong.”

He caught that she called him her husband and found himself liking the sound of it.

The plan came to Michael the second he got the call about the photographers being camped out, ready to pounce.  Lisa always made a fuss about him being ashamed of her. Well, he would show her that he was not ashamed of her or of their relationship.  He would prove once and for all that he did not care.  And if the press got some pictures, well, maybe that would be great way to send a message to some other people as well.  Such as that bitch of an ex mother in law.  And his very intrusive and suddenly possessive wife.

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