Chapter 50

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“Do we really need all this drama?” 

Lisa wrinkled her nose, hoping the blindfold would do the logical thing and budge, granting her a peak.

“Can you stop being a little spoils-sport?  You always babble on about not wanting our relationship to be boring.”

Boring?  The one thing their relationship had not ever been was boring.  Even when things were bleak and she spent more time mad at Michael or crying about Michael- she was certainly not bored.

“So, how do you know I will not take it off when you close this car door? Would serve you right.  You should go with me and not just ship me off somewhere.  All by my lonesome.”

“I have to make some important calls. Stop whining. You won’t be by yourself.  You have a driver- who will report back to me if you are not compliant.”


“What have you been reading lately?  What’s with the orders?  I’m not your little soldier, you know.”

He kissed her, and not matter how irritated she was, the anticipation of what was to come later, together with the kinky little blindfold idea, send little currents from her lips to other regions. Regions that were sick and tired of this dry spell. And funny enough, they were anything but dry.

“Oh, but you are. You’re my little soldier of love.  And you will follow my orders.  Or your punishment will be severe.”

Lisa giggled and Michael kissed her again, this time letting his tongue caress the inside of her mouth in a sensual sweep.  God- why could he not just make love to her at home?  Why did he have to take her away?  As much as she wanted him, needed him, she was also highly apprehensive about leaving the twins. Sure, their nannies were with them, and Katherine had also promised to come over, but still….  She had not been separated from them, and right now she was torn between being a good mother and wanting to resume being Michael’s lover. 

Yes, she wanted Michael, longed to make love to him all the way, but there was no reason that feat could not be accomplished in the house.  No, Mr Showman had to come up with some covert plan to wisp her away on a romantic little getaway.  He had argued that he could not be romantic with all the kids, nannies, nurses, and puppies running around.  Not that all the above commotion had stopped him from playing around all the other times. Kids, nannies, and puppies seemed far from his mind on the couple of instances he had pushed her into dark corners and taken the opportunity to touch and kiss Lisa. Of course, she had not fought him too hard, either.  A couple of kisses, those skilled fingers working their magic, and she was in seventh heaven- and more often than not on her knees, helping him relieve some tension. 

So, why go away now?

“Oh, Mike, you keep it up and I’ll make you show me what you got in mind. You know I’ve never been able to resist the discipline you can dole out.”

The blindfold did not prevent her from running her hand down his tight abs, finding his pants, as well as the evidence of his desire for her.  Oh, yeah, Mikey Jr was good and ready.  She swallowed.  God, how would it be to feel him inside again? Surprisingly, she found she was nervous. Would he still find her body as desirable as before?  She had given birth to not one, but two babies- would she still be able to satisfy him?

“Look, baby…. I can feel there is a big, no, a huge, part of you that doesn’t want me to leave. Just let me stay.  We can play here.  Why would you want me to leave?”

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