Chapter 38

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As he stared at the stranger in the mirror, he realized the noise he had attributed to the fuzzy thoughts buzzing around his mind was really the water running form the faucet he had neglected to turn off.  It really was not a good thing to waste water like this.  Really?  What in the world was wrong with him?  With everything going down, he worried about wasting water?  Well, water shortage was a serious problem, but it was not one he could solve here and now. 

Holy shit! This day just kept getting more and more stressful.  It had been bad enough to know he and Lisa would probably end up fighting when he had asked her to come over, but never, in his wildest dreams had he imagined the wild rollercoaster spree he had been on in the past hours.  How many emotions could be crammed into the seemingly small and insignificant space of a day?

A day was nothing in the grand scheme of things.  It was not even a blimp on the radar of a human lifespan.  Nothing but insignificant dust in the history of this planet and barely an entity worthy of thought when held up to the infinite chronos of the universe.  And yet, a day- actually less, less than ten hours actually, had sufficed to turn his life inside out and upside down.  He was in serious need of some road signs telling him where the hell was up. On this day, he seemed to have the perspective of a little fly: one day was an entire life.

The phone buzzing in his back pocket startled him. Retrieving it, he glanced at it and flipped it open.  The surge of exasperation and annoyance caused him to tap his foot impatiently.

“Why do you keep calling?  Is everything ok with Prince?”

“Is that all you ever care about, Michael? The kids?”

He rolled his eyes.  Yes, he loved his children and cared deeply for them.  This should not be a newsflash to her.  His children…what a different meaning these words held suddenly. Another dizzying surge raced through him.

“Yes, Debbie, that’s all I care about.  I am a heartless bastard.”

“You don’t have to be so sarcastic, you know.”

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and counted to three.  Patience, he could do this.  He could get through this conversation and then return to his efforts of orienting himself to his new world.

“Look, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to take it out on you.  I am just a bit stressed, that’s all.”

“Is she ok?  I thought you would call to let me know if she is ok.”

Like Debbie cared.

“Why?  Since when do you care?  I thought you hated her?”

“I don’t hate her.  You keep telling me it is bad to hate, Michael.  I just hate what she has been doing to you.  And I hate that she can’t keep out of our lives.”

Out of his life?  His eyes found their reflection before him once again and a smile stole onto his face.  The sudden rush of the most intense, thrilling sensation startled him. 

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