Chapter 45

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On the way home, Lisa was sure she floated on cloud nine.  This day had exceeded her wildest expectations.  To be fair, the past three days had exceeded all her hopes and dreams.  However, it seemed that today, they had finally broken through that ice layer keeping them trapped in time.  In hindsight, she really could not tell what had kept her from opening up to him like this before.  She had always been scared shitless to give him too much information, worried what he might do with it.  Well, how crazy, that with all the love she had for him, she had not trusted him with her whole heart in a very long time.  It all had been a painful lesson in self-destruction. 

Today, though, it seemed they both had jumped over the shadows of their past.  Michael had actually admitted he wanted a life with her.  Not just their baby- but her as well.  Her worst fear had always been that he would cast her aside once she’d carry his child.  The fear had been hanging over her during their marriage and was fed and nurtured by her mother. Well, he had made it very clear today: he wanted her.  Why had she still doubted him?  He had really hung in there through some crazy stuff.  Crazy stuff of her own making, at times. 

Now, it all seemed so clear once again: her life was with him, their baby, her children, and his children.  All she had to do was hope and pray that Debbie would see reason and bow out.

Seriously?  Debbie, see reason?  She only sees dollar signs.

Whatever! That actually would work, too.  Michael had plenty of dollar signs to show for.  He did not get to where he was by backing down when he really wanted something.  She remembered only too well how he had pursued her, totally ignoring the fact that she was married to Danny.  He had acted as if her marriage was a minor inconvenience that should not stand in the way of their future. He had not cared about what anyone would think when they had eloped.  He wanted her to be his wife, and he wanted that to happen on his schedule and when he thought time was right.  Which had been immediately.  Waiting was a concept that did not apply to him once he had his sights set on a goal.

What chance did Debbie really stand?  Michael had lawyers and advisors, and Lisa was sure they would be able to get him out of whatever contract he had signed with Nursey.  Sure, she would try to hold the kids over his head, but it was not like she had any apparent interest in them.  Prince obviously craved a woman to bond with, and sadly, or thankfully, that had not happened with his mother.  Well, Lisa was prepared to be the mother the adorable tike deserved.  And Michael’s little girl would only know her from the start. 

Please, God, please let everything work out.  I know I have not prayed in a long time, probably ‘cause things have been more than shitty for me.  But now, you’ve given me this new chance, this new life inside.  Please don’t fuck me over. 

Lisa knew this was not the most conventional of prayers, but for her it was progress.  For the longest time, she had not felt any need or desire to pray to the God who had taken her father way too early.  Well, maybe her faith, or lack thereof, was yet another thing she would have to re-evaluate in her new life.  Her life with Michael.

She smiled and felt that warm feeling in the pit of her stomach.  That and nervousness about how the deal with the soon-to-be former Mrs. Jackson would go down.

As soon as she arrived back home, she rushed upstairs to call Danny.  She wanted the kids home as soon as possible.  Michael had promised to be over tomorrow, and she wanted some time to talk to them beforehand.  Everything would be perfect, she just knew it! Ben and Riley adored Michael and had still not adjusted to him being gone.  She could not count the night she had found them sitting by the window, waiting for him, long after she had explained time and time again that he was not coming back.  Riley had looked at her with her huge, serious eyes, informing her that no matter what her mother said, she knew Michael would be back. 

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