Chapter 44

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Michael looked on as Lisa killed the French toast he had made for her.

“Can you slow down?  I am afraid I will have to practice the Heimlich maneuver on you any second.”

Lisa looked up at him and licked a drop of syrup from the corner of her mouth.  He watched her tongue and instantly flashed back to having that very same tongue pleasing him in a million different ways during the past days. 

Focus, Michael.  She said, no more.  For now…

He had not known what had come over him, but he could simply not get enough of her

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He had not known what had come over him, but he could simply not get enough of her.  Having her with him like this, with only minimal fighting and fussing, gave him hope.  This was how it all began.  This was how it should be.  Hopefully, they both had learned and grown, and now could move forward.  Well, he had to first get rid of some obstacles. 

“You told me to eat.  I’m eating.  You’re just never happy.”

“Not so: I am very happy when you follow orders.  You know that.” He shot her a sexy look and she blushed before returning her attention to the plate he had fixed for her.  He also tried to eat, but found that he was too busy sorting out his thoughts.  

It was so cute when he could still make her blush.  But no, seriously, he had every intention of making sure she took care of herself and this baby.  Lisa tended to get into her head at times and neglect her physical needs.  Not that he doubted her love for her kids, but still- prenatal care was important.   Taking care of Debbie had been easy, and he really did not worry as much.  Debbie knew that her job was to be the vessel for that baby and that she got paid for a job well done.  With Lisa, everything felt different.  This was a baby created the way nature intended.  He shared this experience with another person- one he loved with all his heart.  The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that his personal future would be with Lisa.  He just had to be more circumspect about how they crafted the boundaries of their new relationship.  The problem he faced was that he still had not one hundred percent figured out what had not worked the first time around.  For one thing, she needed to be a little less clingy and insecure.  Possibly, he also needed to make some changes, such as trying to let her in more.  Well, he did not have to figure all that out just yet.  First, he had to figure a way out of the Debbie mess.

Prior to practicing his culinary skills to cook for Lisa, he had spent hours on the phone with his attorneys, trying to find a loophole in his contract with Debbie.  He really did not want to hurt or upset her, but he also needed to be free from the legal bounds that kept them husband and wife, so he could offer a future to Lisa.  They had not approached the subject of marriage or commitment during those three days, but he was sure it would come up again in no time at all. Then, there was the issue of custody for Prince and the new baby.  Knowing that Debbie would be less than thrilled about him wiggling out of the contract did not give him a great negotiation basis.  If he broke his part of the deal, what would keep her from sticking to hers?  No, he had to find a way to get her to agree to hand over the new baby, relinquish all maternal rights to both children, and give him a quickie divorce.  Oh, and she still had to sign several confidentiality agreements he had drafted up concerning what she could reveal to the general public.  Piece of cake.  And right after that he would solve water shortage in Africa and mediate peace in the mid-east. 

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