Chapter 19

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For the third time, Michael retrieved his key from the floor up and tried to open the door to his condo. 

“Lisa, baby, please… you gotta back off, I can’t get it in…” he forced out under his breath.

“Mike, you got it all wrong.  It would go in just fine- you’ll make it fit.  Let me show you.” She grabbed his hand and pressed it against her hot crotch. 

All he could do was groan before he punished her lips once again, pressing her against the wall, letting his body sink against her inviting form, while still attempting to get this damn key into the door.  Who knew his multitasking talents would come in so handy tonight?

The drive over here had been pure agony.  He and Lisa had not been able to keep their hands off each other.  He finally told her to sit at the other end of the car just to be able to keep from releasing his irritated dick and giving her exactly what she seemed to be asking for.  His concern for his poor driver, who had been through enough sights and sounds for one night had prevented the remaining frail thread of self control from snapping. 

As they got out of the car, Michael told the poor man he would carry Lisa’s bag up himself. 

“Are you sure, Mr. Jackson?  Anything else you need, tonight?  I mean, anything else I can do for you?”  Michael had not been able to look him in the eye as Lisa was unsuccessfully attempting to hold back her giggles.  How horrifying!  As if the noises in the back of the car had not been enough, one look at his poor crotch left no doubt what Michael needed.  And soon… He was only praying the man would keep his eyes above the waist.

“No, really.  I’m fine.  As a matter of fact, take the rest of the night off, I will just call tomorrow when we need to leave.  I already called the other security detail off, too.  And thank you so much for everything, I really appreciate it,”  Michael managed to mumble before Lisa pulled him inside.  It irritated him when she was short with people who worked for him, but he also understood the urges driving her haste tonight.

To his surprise, she actually kept her distance in the elevator.  After the door slid closed, he had half expected her to jump him and leave him no choice but the stop the thing and take her right against the wall.  But no, instead she backed away and gave him space to enter the code to the private floor. On the ride up, Lisa remained silently at the back of the elevator with Michael in front of her, facing the door.  What was she up to now?  It was strange to have her both giving him space and not running her mouth. He caught her eyes in the mirror to his side.  She just stared at him.  His eyes narrowed.

“What?  Don’t even think about it.  Stay back there.” 

“Michael! I am just standing here.  I’m being a good girl, and I’m behaving myself.”

“Oh, yeah?  What’s that look in your eyes?”  She definitely looked like she was up to something.  He knew the mischievous glint directed at him from below sensually hooded eyes.  She licked her swollen lips.   Guilt raised its head as he felt bad for having bruised her like that.  Then again, she had not exactly refused his kisses.  It was not like she had not sucked his tongue into her mouth, spurning him on more.  He felt more movement in his lower region.  This was getting ridiculous.  He eyed the floor indicator before returning her gaze.  Why was this elevator going so slow?

  Why was this elevator going so slow?

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