Chapter 23

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Michael sat at his desk and put down the notes he had been scribbling.  A strange combination of feeling sated, rested, hopeful, and scared shitless raced through him.  He had fallen asleep pretty much right after the last drop of his cum had been forced from him.  The things Lisa made him feel were just unreal at times.   No other woman had ever taken his body to such extremes.  At some point he had woken up and had found himself making love to her again.  They were both semi asleep, as evidenced by her sweet and compliant demeanor.  Also, she was more vulnerable than he had seen her in a long time, and every nerve in his body screamed out to protect her.  The tricky part was, he knew full well that he was the one who needed protection from her, not the other way ‘round.  She had proven that, and he was not about to be caught in the same trap again.

His mind was totally blown when he realized she was crying.  What in the world?  Was she hurting? Had he pushed her too hard? Was she that sore?  Should he have left her alone, not insisting she cum again, fucking her as hard as he had?  No, that could not be it.  They had a history of making love literally all night and then for the better part of the day.  But that was before.  Maybe she was getting older, could not handle him like before.  Then, it hit him that she was asking him not to leave.  She had been holding on to him crying. She was scared. She had also told him she loved him.  Initially, he was relieved to hear it- before he panicked.

What the hell did she have to be scared about, anyway?  He never left her.  Well, not for real, anyway.  He had to get away from time to time, had needed his space.  She tended to crowd him, want him around her all the frigging time, suffocating him.  It was nice to have her there when needed, but why could she not understand that it was nothing personal when he told her he wanted to be alone for a couple of days?  Or weeks?  It was not like he forgot that he loved her when he was gone.  So, why did she have to always make such a big deal out of everything?  He didn’t leave.  He didn’t break any promises.  She got pissed about his friendship with Debbie and her offer, and had wanted out. 

Then, of course, she changed her mind.  Started to hang around with Janet .  It was only natural he had wanted to know what all that was about once he caught wind of it.  His mother also had continued to mention how sweet Lisa was.  Let Mother live with her and see if she could put up with Lisa’s sharp tongue and pissy -ass attitude.  So yeah, then she was back.  It was different, though.  They both had build walls and even as they started to fuck and then become closer emotionally as well, it always felt that Lisa was keeping part of herself protected and sectioned off.  Or maybe she was just a new person- the person who did not care if he was close by all the time or not.  He should be relieved.  But for some reason it annoyed him to think that she might not miss him.  Still, the new Lisa was missing during their last encounter during the previous night.  Something had definitely been different.

This difference worried him and made him nervous.  Why was she so emotional?  Wouldn’t it be something if she ended up pregnant now?  Debbie was always extra sensitive and whiney when pregnant.  He didn’t like using condoms in the first place, and he did not use them with Lisa.  Which could be a mistake, knowing how she might fuck around on him just to piss him off.  Well, maybe he should just make sure she was too tired and sore to do that.  Not that he was jealous or anything, but it would keep him healthy.  But what if she really was pregnant?   The rush of joy angered him.  No, she told him she was using birth control.  She had made it more than clear there would be no children for them. Still… How would she feel about it?  Would she be happy?  Upset?  Experience the same thrill he unexpectedly was confronted with at the mere thought?

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