Chapter 33

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The wait was killing her.  She had decided she might as well kill time by taking a quick shower.  As she soaped herself down and shampooed her hair, she found her body to be very sensitive to even the lightest touch, and she also noticed soreness in her breast and other areas.  Marked by Michael, yet again! When she turned to check herself out in the mirror, she found that her recent stair escapade had left several scrapes and bruises on her back.  Funny, how she had not noticed anything during being fucked senseless.  Adrenaline was an amazing thing.  Cursing, she admonished herself for giving in once again.  Maybe if she stopped thinking about it, it would be like it never happened.  If only she could stop the thoughts and flashbacks from infiltrating her mind, though.  She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering who the pale and tired creature was staring right back at her.  Probably the chick that had one hell of a screwy day…

This day was definitely not what she had expected it to be.  She had planned for a quick visit, putting Michael in his place, clearing things up once and for all, and making sure he understood he was no longer part of her life.  Instead, she had succumbed once again to this ridiculous sexual pull.  In the process, she had been forced to discover that the asphalt cover over not only her sexual longing for Michael, but also over all kinds of other feelings had been blasted open by some kind of hidden land mine.  How many times could you have your defenses shattered and still continue to lie to yourself about the extent of your addiction?

Maybe she should just haul ass and run.  Really, there was no reason she had to hang around.  He probably would not even notice her absence.  No, running would not solve things at all.  He still wanted answers and she had been so close to filling him in.  How would he react?  Would he be upset?  Or relieved?  And how would his reaction affect her?  A heavy sigh left her chest.  As if he had not already been unhinged enough by Debbie’s little act of popping into the room like some malfunctioning jack-in-the-box.  So no, she definitely wanted to stay to continue their talk.  Also, she wanted to make sure he was ok.  Lisa knew Michael hated direct confrontations.  Was she trying to protect him again?  Possibly, but some odd part really needed to see how his little talk with Debbie went.  Surely, Debbie would lay the guilt on heavily, trying to get Michael to feel badly for her.  She was such a conniving, evil bitch. 

During her marriage to Michael, Lisa had made the mistake of underestimating Debbie and her obsession with Michael.  She had thought it was funny that the homely nurse had called fifty million times a day, demanding to talk to Michael.  Annoying, but funny. Lisa knew that Debbie had been treating Michael at Klein’s office for years now.  She also had a pretty good sense that Debbie, like millions of other women, was infatuated with Michael and thought herself to be in love with him.  Michael was sweet and kind with people he worked with, so it was easy to see how Debbie might have mistaken his kindness for something else. 

“She is just a friend Lisa.  Really- I mean sometimes she looks at me with that creepy stare, but I think she maybe just needs glasses.  She says she is impressed with the size of my knowledge and wants to pick my brain.  I love how she is so inquisitive and wants to learn.  She is so sweet.”

Lisa remembered having rolled her eyes and wondered if he really was that naïve.  Debbie, having treated Michael’s private area for vitiligo, was probably less impressed with the size of Michael’s knowledge and more enthralled with the size of his penis.  And the bitch had only seen him flaccid- or so Lisa hoped.  And she didn’t want to pick his brain, but steal his sperm, having figured out a way to tie this man to her.  Well, she researched well and was very proactive, Lisa had to give her that.   When Michael and Lisa were struggling to work out their marriage, Debbie had infiltrated his trust and undermined their relationships with her fake understanding and finally the grand gesture of a child.  Who in the world offers up her uterus to a married man?  Lisa wondered if she was the naïve one now.  Maybe she was too hard on Debbie.  Had Michael not agreed to the plan, Debbie would have stayed busy collecting pictures for her shrine and would not parade around the world as Michael Jackson’s soul mate. 

Lisa was startled from her useless ruminations by the sound of someone entering downstairs.  Was Michael back, finally?  She hurried out of the room, steadying herself as a dizzy spell almost made her drop to her knees.  Black spots zoomed all around her, and felt as if she was on a ship in the middle of the ocean.  What the hell?  Lisa took a couple of deep breaths and closed her eyes for a second, holding on the railing of the stairs for dear life. 

“Michael, are you up there?  Prince just woke up from his nap and he wants his Daddy.  I can’t seem to calm him down.” Michael’s nanny had entered the downstairs area, carrying a sobbing little baby boy in her arms. She noticed Lisa at the top of the stairs. “Oh, Miss Presley, good to see you.  Are you ok?  You are really pale.” 

Great, another woman in Michael’s life telling her she looked like shit.

Lisa took in another gulp of air and opened her eyes, straightening her back.  She could not afford to be a sissy; Michael’s sweet baby needed some attention.  She forced a smile and carefully made her way down those damn stairs that seemed to be the bane of her existence today.  She offered to hold the little cutie pie for a little bit while the nanny went off to find him a snack.  Lisa had shared that Michael was not to be interrupted right now and she was fairly certain she could manage Prince, whom she had been around on numerous occasions during her and Michael’s trips all over the world.  Prince smiled when he saw her and reached his little arms toward her, making her heart melt.

He was such a sweet, calm boy, always smiling, and hardly ever fussy.  Right now, his cheeks looked a bit flushed and it was clear he had just been crying.  Lisa felt his forehead which felt cool.  Good, so no fever, he probably was just teething.  Lisa located some toys in Michael’s living area that were appropriate for the toddler and sat down on the floor with him, building Duplo towers.  Prince was distracted from his fussiness easily enough and Lisa discovered he now spoke several words pretty clearly.   Prince squealed in delight when she let him push over the tower they had just built, and she could not help but laugh with him.  Her hand reached out and she caressed his silky soft hair, causing him to look up at her with his dark, serious eyes.  What a beautiful child.  The child that should have been hers and Michael’s.  The pain raced through her and she shook her head, willing herself to stop from going down that particular road of thoughts for the millionth time.  Maybe it all had worked out for the best after all.  Without Debbie’s ploy, there would be no adorable little toddler sitting here, and for the life of her, Lisa would never be sorry that the little boy existed. 

The nanny came back and informed Lisa that she had not been able to avoid hearing loud voices downstairs.  Since Michael hardly ever yelled, Lisa suspected the loud voice to be his wife’s.  What in the world took so long, and why was he putting up with her histrionics?  She did not live here, so what was the big deal?  Why did he not just kick her ass out for making such a fuss?  Maybe Michael needed some back-up after all.  Holding back her urge to race downstairs, Lisa decided to give them a little while longer and offered to feed Prince his snack. 


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