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Michael stared at the picture in his hands.  Man-almost three years since their wedding.  Three years of love, arguments, making-up, filling their house with laughter and new memories.  How different this marriage was from the first version- it was work, and he loved every minute of it.  It was not perfect and there were many times he wanted to wring Lisa’s neck, but he could honestly say that he knew she loved and trusted him.  As for himself, he allowed himself to rely on another human being for the first time in his life.  What a strange, mysterious, wonderful journey.  Lisa never let him get away with anything. 

As for her, she had finally emotionally backed away from her mother, even when she had allowed Priscilla back into their lives very carefully.  Danny was still annoying- but Michael no longer saw him as a threat- it was more of a hobby to engage in little pissing matches with him.

Work was no longer his holy grail- his family had taken that spot.  He had stopped touring-  but had recently signed on to do shows in Las Vegas, moving the family there for two years- performing twice a week, with ample rest times build in.  He also was about to release another album- after signing with an independent record company, breaking free from the bonds of the giant he was shackled to before.

The opening door startled him as the baby, James, toddled into the room.  At one and a half years old, he was the spitting image of Lisa- only with dark eyes and curly dark hair.  And he was a force to behold now that he had discovered running.

Michael kneeled down and opened his arms, catching the mad dash of his youngest.  What was he running from?

“Where is your Mommy, little man?  Did you escape again?”

Lisa’s newest exercise program seemed to be chasing the youngest Jackson around.  Not that it hurt her- she looked amazing. 

“You might as well stop running, young man. I know you got into the cookies.  The jig is up!”

James giggled even as he shook his head, sending his curls flying.  Small crumbs and chocolate stains were still visible on his face. 

“Now, you know,  Mommy said no cookies ‘til later.  And don’t even try to con’ Daddy into it. I don’t wanna be yelled at by Mommy.” Michael kissed his laughing son.

“Right, Daddy- ‘cause you would never do anything to spoil the children.”

Lisa stood at the door glancing at them, trying to hide a smile in her attempt to look fierce. 

“I think Obi successfully found and destroyed that cookie.  He has cookie- radar.”

“Stop calling him that.  You know I don’t like it.”
“So?  There are names you call me I don’t like. Like, spear-wielding monster, or slayer of your virtue…”

Lisa rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh.

“Did you get into some ‘shrooms, Mike?  Seriously- and watch what you’re saying around the kids…”

“Just saying… We all have nick-names.  Yours is ‘stands with a pout’ –or is that your Indian name, I forget.”

“Don’t’ you have recording to do- that way you can annoy your sound engineers and not me…”

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