Chapter 24

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Lisa left him standing there, returning to the bedroom suite to take a shower.  She knew full well whom he had been talking to- the lovely Missus.  It made her laugh that he instructed her to work with Karen to pretty up for a shoot.  Well, that oughta be interesting!  She might want to hang around to see what shade of foundation or horrid lipstick Karen could punish the Debster with.  Michael tried that trick on her one time- had instructed her to let Karen help with her make-up.  Lisa had turned around and told him that if he valued his manhood and his restful sleep, he would not let the besotted make-up “artist” anywhere near her. 

Being a woman, Lisa knew full well that Karen was head over heels in love with Michael and hated any woman he was close to as she always seemed to harbor some crazy wish that Michael would turn to her if only the competition was gone.  Well, good luck with that.  Lisa was never sure if Michael was really this innocent or if he just pretended to be clueless, but he really seemed to not get how much Karen wanted his ass- right under her.  On the other hand, he was well aware of how Lisa reacted to Karen.  After their divorce became official he just had to take Karen out on the town, probably knowing full well vases would shatter once Lisa would spot the pictures.

Of course, Michael often chose to be oblivious.  Like now- like when he insisted they were not having an affair.  No, Michael, you are married to one woman and are seen all over the place with another.  And not only are you seen with your ex- you hold her hand in public, kiss her, while in private, you fuck her every chance you get: but you are not having an affair.  And the comment about not loving her that  much had stung worse than she wanted to admit to herself.  Well, fine, let him not love her that much.  It didn’t matter anyway.  During their marriage, he had told her he loved her more than stars in the sky and sand on the beach - and look how that had turned out.

Lisa downed coffee, praying for the caffeine to take effect.  She took out her phone, noticing several missed calls, and tried to return Riley’s, only to hear her voicemail come on.  Well, it obviously was not an emergency then.  The call from mother could go ignored for a little while longer.  If she pretended it was not there, maybe it magically would erase itself.  She needed a shower worse than she needed to hear her mother’s disapproving voice.  Make that a bath. Her muscles, and other places needed to be soaked and pampered. The calls could wait.  Also, maybe the pictures from last night had not been plastered all over the place yet- which meant she had a little bit to hide before the shitstorm hit.

She started to run the water. 

“Michael? Do you have any bubble bath stuff?”

“Didn’t you leave some here last time?”

It startled her to realize he had come up behind her.

“I don’t know.  I don’t remember.  Are you sure it was me?”

“Well, if you didn’t then I hope the other woman has the same taste in fragrances.”

She looked up and hit him playfully. 

“You better not give me the clap fucking me and all these other women, too.”

“You are so gross!”

“Just saying…” She reached for the bubble bath and poured some into the tub.

He came up behind her and lifted her hair, kissing her neck.

“Michael! I need a bath- don’t start anything.  I am sore as shit.”

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