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As much as our group of college students were given a behind the scenes look at some of Stark Industries most exclusive projects, I was the only one who got to see the inner workings of their medical infirmary. I say this as if it were a flex, like I was selected to be allowed into a VIP section at a concert. Yet in actuality, I am mortified for fainting in front of my peers and Tony Stark.

"I'd like to speak to Maybelle L/N if I can please, this is in regards to her niece Y/N," my college professor said directly into his slightly cracked iPhone. I turned my head towards him and screwed my face up at the harsh lights, promising him that I was feeling well enough to make my own way home and that I didn't need my Aunt picking me up like a wounded child.

He nodded, hung up the phone and told them that my Aunt May would be picking me up shortly. Great, not only did I miss the Tony Stark talk about his superhero suits and defence weapon technology, I was now going to be coddled by May all night.

"Do you think you guys can drive me home too then?" MJ said sitting in a chair slightly behind the bench I was laying on, making me flinch as I had no idea she was here in the room with us.

"Jesus fuck MJ! How long have you been here?" I said rolling onto my side to look at her.

"Uh, the whole time I guess? You went down a few seconds after you screamed 'fuck' really loudly and jumped around in front of everyone... And then when the medics got to the super suit workshop they let me come with you as emotional support or whatever. I got a sick photo though, wanna look? It's kinda cool seeing you being carried out by Tony Stark in an old school bridal pose except for the fact you've got a bit of a double chin showing and you potentially could be drooling on yourself," she said holding her phone out.

I groaned and rested my arm over my face as I rolled over onto my back again. The room we were in looked like a normal hospital room but like, way more expensive than what New York hospital rooms usually looked like. Given the risk of harm being so severe in a place like Stark Industries, it made sense they had their own mini hospital here. It was kinda cool.

"That's so embarrassing, Tony Stark carried me to the infirmary? Imagine the shit Flash and the boys would've said about me seeing Peter Parker's own dad carry his classmate around his work," I whined.

"No, he just carried you to a wheelchair when the medics came. And then when you gained consciousness you threw up and then passed out when you came back here... Nobody except me, Tony Stark and Professor Long saw the vomit bit though," MJ chuckled, reaching into my pocket and pulling her hand out with a frown.

"Damn, we're both out," she sighed, pulling the empty packet from my pocket and putting it on the little side table next to me.

"Have you been eating my skittles whilst I've been passed out?" I laughed, slowly sitting up in the bed to grab the glass of water next to me.

"May is going to freak out..." I sighed, sipping the water slowly.

"She works in a hospital, she's like the best person to be looking after you right now," MJ shrugged, rolling her eyes when she refreshed her Instagram feed to see Flash had updated his story with me as its star.

"Here's what you looked like on the floor though," MJ said holding her phone out and laughing at the photo of me lying on the ground in the most prestigious room of Stark Industries.

"Oh for fucks sake, now everyone will know!" I whined.

"If it helps, you can't see your face cos your hair is covering it... So I guess it could be anyone on their side taking a little nap on the ground in front of Tony Stark," MJ joked, trying to make me feel better about the already incredibly embarrassing situation.

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