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"So you know that you're being an asshole but you still continue to be one? Right, okay well that just makes you even more of an asshole then," I huffed, looking away as he began to roll over and actually cover himself up with the bed sheets.

I'll sneak a peak at his bare ass whilst being sober sure, but seeing the front of him whilst he's drunk and I'm not is just predatory. Plus, I didn't mean to see his butt, I just walked in.

"No, I just... Actually yeah, you're completely right," I heard him sigh, me still leaning against the doorframe and staring down the corridor to see if anyone else was downstairs or in the house. The guests had all left by the stage, just leaving Peter, Morgan and I.

I wonder if I'll be in the news tomorrow, the headlines saying that Spider Woman broke up a party or went for a dip in the pool with Peter Parker. I sighed, looking back into his room at him, his head hung low whilst he picked at his cuticles.

"You need water and sleep Peter," I said to him bluntly before noticing his breathing hitch and his nose begin to sniffle. Was Peter Parker crying? Jesus Christ, he really is fucking wasted. He lifted his arm gently to his face, rubbing his eye and apologising to me before looking up.

For the first time, in this very moment, I saw Peter in a raw and vulnerable state; a real portrayal of himself. He was weak, he was letting his cocky rich kid guard down and he was being genuine. His hair was a mess, his eyes were red and he had no filter due to the alcohol.

"I don't wanna be like this... I'm sorry, I- I really am. This isn't me I swear," he sobbed, taking a unsettling deep breath before shaking his head and laughing quietly at himself and apologising again for crying.

"What do you mean this isn't you," I said walking slowly towards him, sitting in his desk chair and spinning around to face him.

"I only knew like twenty people here tonight. I hate most of them and the only person who knows what I'm really like is Ned. I just- I feel like everyone expects me to be like Tony when he was this age... Nobody wants Tony Starks kid to stay inside and study and build computers and read sci-fi books, they'd ridicule me if I was real around everyone. They'd say shit like 'what happened to him?' and 'no wonder he's not really Stark's blood son because he's didn't get the playboy genes'. You know how hard that kind of pressure is growing up? I still remember seeing my face in a magazine sitting in the playground of my elementary school next to a girl called Sarah and they were already speculating about my fucking love life. I was nine... I just have to give the world what they want, what they think Tony Stark's son should be like... And now being Iron Man? I have to fit into a second fucking image," Peter rambled.

"You can't live your life being someone you're not Peter... You can shy away from the spotlight you know... Being Iron Man is going to be easier than this fake version of Peter Parker, I promise you can just be yourself," I said gently, trying to get this drunk guy to calm down.

"But then they'll call me a recluse, they'll call me boring and antisocial... The press never stops... People at college will think I'm a pussy or that I'm a nerd, they'll think I'm not living up to the infamous Stark reputation," he sighed.

"You're Peter Parker... Your father was a great man who worked with Tony closely and even though Tony adopted you as his own, Richard Parker is the only persons reputation you should feel like you need to live up to... A great scientist and an even greater father," I said moving to the end of his bed and resting my hand on his leg over the covers.

"How do you know all of that?" He said looking up at me.

"I did my research on all the Avengers... But seriously Peter, if the media wants to paint a picture of you, let them imagine it themselves, don't give it to them. If they want you to be a playboy like Tony was at our age, then let them make them rumours, don't help them make it the truth. Don't do their job for them," I said.

Honestly, I sympathise for him. I had never thought of the immense pressure he would have being Tony's adopted son. No matter what he did, he would be scrutinised, idolised or dramatised. I feel really bad for him now... Except it doesn't give him an excuse to treat me like shit.

"So next time if someone asks you about sleeping with me for example, stay quiet. I can guarantee you they'll come to the same conclusion and think you've done it anyway. Just, be you Peter. I know how much you hate Flash, I know how much you hate all the girls who fawn over you and I know you just want to be able to get a number 5 from Delmars in peace without Liz Toomes getting angry for not texting her back," I laughed, not realising I was exposing myself.

"Is that all part of your research too? You know my sandwich order and you know the guys I hang out with and which girl obsessed with me?" Peter said sitting up more, less emotional now but definitely more inquisitive.

"I climb walls and I blend in, I have my ways of sneaking around to find out about people. And Tony talks about you a lot," I chuckled.

"So you're stalking us?" He laughed, rubbing his eyes, pushing his hand through his hair and reaching for a half empty drink bottle on his bedside table. It had a Star Wars logo on it, half worn off due to its age.

"You can call it that if you want to, but seriously Peter, you should sleep" I sighed.

"But I still know nothing about you... And I'm supposed to work with you every day. I know your hair colour cos Morgan drew a picture, I saw your skin colour when I uh, crushed your hand, and I know we're similar ages... Come on, just take off the mask," he said lying down in bed and resting his head on the pillow.

"Hm, I'm closer to Peter Parker than I am to Iron Man. That's your one and only clue, now go to bed," I laughed, standing up and going back to the door.

"You know I am sorry right? I uh, I'm really sorry," he said furrowing his brows as I nodded and closed the door behind me.

So it turns out that Peter Parker is the complete opposite to what I thought... Interesting.

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