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"Hey, I need to tell you about the other night," I said biting my bottom lip nervously, my teeth picking at the skin out of anxiety. I was pushing the scraps of my lunch around the plate with my fork, avoiding eye contact with her.

I have to tell her about Peter. I can't keep it a secret from her and it's been eating me alive ever since. Lying in bed each night, dreaming about him? It's fucking pathetic. I hate the kid, but I slept with him. And it was good fucking sex too.

"Oh yeah! The mission right?" She nodded, turning around to glare at the horrible cafe staff ignoring us.

MJ was drumming the handle of her fork against her palm as we waited for our bill, the waitress too busy flirting with a man double her age for tips at the front counter. I laughed at her before turning to the tiny television mounted to the wall broadcasting the latest of New York's news.

"And there you have it folks, an exclusive interview with our great Mayor Fisk; who just had one of his newly created task forces stop over six million dollars worth of illegal firearms being smuggled into New York. Once again, our city is safer thanks to the Fisk administration," the news reporter grinned to the camera.

MJ smiled sarcastically at the morose waitress who reluctantly had to leave the middle aged Wall Street prick to hand us the bill. I pulled cash out of my wallet, as did she before we thanked the incompetent staff and left.

"Something about Wilson Fisk rubs me the wrong way. He just seems slimy," MJ huffed, pulling her rain jacket on over her jumper and pulling the hood up to fight the blistering cold winds.

"You say that about half the politicians though you wild ass left wing feminist," I laughed, pulling my sleeves down over my hands and crossing my arms to keep warm as walked back towards our college campus.

"Yeah but he trumps them all on rich corporate pricks flaunting their wealth in politics. Also, you have the same views as me about women and freedoms and human rights so technically you're 'a wild ass left hand feminist' too," she laughed.

"Hey that rhymes," I smiled to myself, although I was completely uninterested in politics. Especially since I knew MJ was only one false statement away from debating politics for hours. Seriously, once I got a politicians last name wrong and it ended up with her ranting about the abolishment of one of our commandments.

"I mean, he's definitely cleaning up the city of its crime but he just seems so creepy... Like the type of guy to hit on girls our age at clubs and say shit like 'you're too gorgeous to be single'," she scoffed.

"Seriously though, I do need to tell you something," I said over her, although I don't think she heard me as she continued talking about Wilson fucking Fisk.

"And the fucking ridiculous suits he always wears! Like come on man, nobody fucking pays that much attention to you that you need to be wearing all that money on your body," she continued.

"Michelle!" I said loudly, interrupting her political rant. I never say her full name unless I'm mocking her or being sarcastic, so this should get her attention.

"Woah, pulling out the big guns are we? Yes Mum?" She joked, referring to the fact I used her actual name outside of sarcasm. She laughed at me as I stood still in the middle of the sidewalk abruptly, trudging back to me and pulling my hand to continue walking with her.

"I slept with Peter Parker," I said swallowing my fears and looking at her blank expression.

"Slept with him as in, you fucked him?" She reiterated, MJ now the one standing still in her tracks out the front of our college campus.

"Yeah..." I said softly, scared of her reaction.

"And Peter Parker as in... Him, Peter Parker?" She clarified, pointing at Peter, Ned and Flash walking up the large staircase towards our lecture hall.

He was in fine 'rich kid' form, wearing a tight black t-shirt loosely tucked into a pair of grey plaid pants and a shiny silver Rolex wrapped around his wrist. The shirt accentuated his toned arms, the pants helped his ass look good and fuck I can't help but imagine that watch around his wrist being the last thing I see before he pulls me close.

Fuck, stop Y/N.
It was one time. Get over it.
Stop fantasising.

"Bullshit, you showed him your identity and slept with him instantly? Tell me exactly how it went down," she said excitedly, slowing down to give us more time to talk before we reached the lecture hall.

"Well he ruined the mission and we were both angry at each other and one thing led to another and I choked him out of anger-"

"You kinky bitch!" MJ yelled, a professor glaring at her as he passed by. She apologised and told him she was quoting a movie for a film essay she was doing and turned back to me when he was out of earshot again.

"And he got turned on and was talking about how I couldn't insult him to his face so I pulled off the mask and it just happened... and it was really good..." I sighed, cringing at myself that the first time he even saw my real identity, we had sex.

"Dude... This is insane... Have you seen him since?" She said coming to a standstill and lowering her voice as we lined up outside the hall, waiting for another class to finish.

I shook my head, not thinking about the fact I would eventually have to see Peter again. Either in class or as a hero. Honestly, it would be better to see him as a hero, he wouldn't be as intense with his Dad around. But college? Who knows what he'll be like. Especially around Ned and Flash. Fuck, would he have told them?

Peter excused himself from Ned, Flash, Liz and Betty before walking towards MJ and I. He didn't look at us, he just swiftly grabbed my arm as I stumbled backwards and he pulled me around the corner to an empty supply closet.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I said before he switched on the light and looked me up and down.

"Yeah, I could say the same fucking thing," he sighed, staring at me with wide eyes as he ran his hand through his hair. Was he worried that his friend saw him with me? Pulling me away from class?

"You okay?" I chuckled, looking at the disheveled man in front of me. Fuck, he smells good.

"This lecture starts soon," he sighed to himself, looking around as he tried to gather his thoughts.

"So do you want to let us both out of this closet or not then?" I asked.

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