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New video is good, can you
do a test for me and attach the
webs from something moving
and something stagnant?

Tensile strength test? Already
done with different variables.
I bungee jumped off a crane
and it snapped and I had to swim
back to the docks...

*Video 087*
*Video 092*
*Video 105*

I'm sorry I'm texting so
much I'm excited

Should I change your contact
name in case people see?

No wait nobody would think
someone like me has your nubmer




Wait is this even you or is it
just one of your workers

Do you want to keep the web
shooters or not kid...

Sorry, please don't take
them back


Please tell the crane fail is
in those videos

........ yes

I saw the car crash you saved btw,
you're doing great kid, people
are noticing you're not a hoax

Like an actual hero?

Don't get cocky. You're in test
mode right now... Baby steps

The class I was in was one without MJ, which sucked because I just listened to music and worked by myself. Our professor was pretty lazy too so he just sat at the front and told us to copy paragraphs off the whiteboards.

To my surprise, Peter showed up to the class; late but nevertheless still here. He sat next to Ned who sat diagonally in front of me and they actually worked. It's weird seeing them together without Flash or swooning girls around them, they just seem normal.

I unpaused my music to eavesdrop, which I know is bad but I just had to see what types of conversations these two guys had without Flash talking about sex or drugs or cars or money or live-streaming bullshit to his fucking 'Flash Mob'. I don't understand how he has thousands of followers... I guess it's just because he's rich.

"What's your background dude?" Ned laughed, watching Peter input his laptop password and seeing his screen.

"Oh, Morgan did a drawing the other night and I sent it to myself cos it's so cute," he smiled, causing me to look up and lean ever so slightly to the left to see clearly.

"Family portrait? It's cute everyone is holding each other's hands," Ned smiled.

"Yeah, so when I asked her, she said this was Pepper, this is her with the rainbow dress, this is Tony and then that's me with the messy hair," he laughed, admiring the poorly drawn picture.

"Pretty accurate... And them?" Ned asked cocking his head to the side and pointing to the person at the end holding Peter's hand.

"That's a good question Edward. That right there is Spider-Woman, who was at my fucking house the other night," Peter said raising his eyebrows and turning towards Ned. I quickly looked away in case he could see me spying in his peripheral vision.

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