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"Hey squish!" Peter called out excitedly as we walked into the Stark house and saw Morgan on the couch watching television.

"Hi Pe- Best friend you look like a princess!" Morgan squealed, jumping off the sofa and running over to me. She wrapped her arms around my thighs, her head resting on my stomach as I smiled at Peter.

It was funny that Peter and I were still in our graduation outfits; me in a long cocktail dress and Peter in a suit.

"Dude! Why does she get a hug before me? Ouch... Where are the parents?" Peter asked, kicking his shoes off at the door and looking around the open plan house.

"They're in the pool," she smiled, running back to the couch and throwing herself onto it. She pressed play on her little show and had her eyes instantly glued to the screen.

"You okay down here by yourself? We're just going to head upstairs and talk and stuff," Peter said as she nodded, told him to shush and turned the volume up. God damn, she really is Tony Starks kid.

I followed Peter upstairs, leaving the sassy little girl by herself to enjoy her dumb cartoon show. Walking into Peter's room for the what, third time maybe, I got a wave of memories wash over me. It was like a flood of flashbacks reminding me of the best sex of my life.

Did I regret it? No.

His room was half the size of my apartment with May and Ben, but it didn't feel as pretentious or debaucherous as the rest of the house. It felt less 'Stark' and more 'Parker' - which I liked. He had his dorky nerd shit around and as expensive as everything was, it looked like an average twenty something year olds room. It humbled him.

"Movie?" He offered, taking his suit jacket off and hanging it over the back of his desk chair. He then threw himself down on his bed with a dramatic sigh.

"Not on the bed mister, we're watching on the couch so you don't pull something," I laughed, sitting on the little sofa on the other side of his room where he had a projector set up to watch movies or game. Honestly, it was like a studio apartment all to himself minus a kitchen or bathroom.

"You think a couch would stop me pulling the same shit as I would in bed? You're delusional... I promise I won't make any moves on you, but you're delusional for thinking a couch would change anything," he laughed, sitting down next to me and asking Jarvis to turn on the projector and scan for movies.

We decided on watching The Suicide Squad, which we mostly just made fun of given it was such an inaccurate portrayal of people with powers or superheroes in general.

"You think if you had a kid, it would have your powers? Cos you weren't born with them but they've obviously changed your DNA," Peter said turning to me and leaning his head on the back of the couch to look at me.

"I haven't thought about it before but maybe... Oh if I had a baby with another person with powers... would the kid have both powers or would it be like a lucky dip?" I laughed, spinning to face Peter and crossing my legs on the couch.

"You should hit up one of the avengers then, be like 'hey let's make a super baby' and see for yourself," he joked. I hit him and told him that all of the Avengers were too old for me, which made him scoff.

"You're not super medically though, so you wouldn't count either," I said trying to make it sound like I was calling him old and I was into men younger than me. He's my age anyway.

"I'm still super though. Wow you're hurting my ego," he pouted, still looking at me whilst leaning his head on the couch.

"Aw your ego is bruised? I think that would do you some good, it's too big," I taunted.

"What's too big?" He said jokingly, insinuating towards dick size and not ego size.

"Shut up Parker," I said rolling my eyes and leaning in to kiss him. I don't know why I did it, but I did.

It was hungry, fast, sloppy and brilliant. We had obviously had this tension between us tonight going from anger to redemption, and we both didn't know where we stood with each other.

He pulled me onto his lap by my waist, pushing my graduation dress to ride up my waist as I straddled his thighs. I moved my lips to his jaw, slowly making my way down his neck. As he groaned in his mouth, his neck vibrated against me, showing me that he was obviously enjoying this.

I wriggled backwards and knelt on the ground in front of him, pulling his shirt up and untucking it from his suit pants.

"You're the one initiating this all and not me... That's something I didn't expect to happen," he chuckled, unbuttoning the fly and pushing his pants down his thighs.

I hadn't seen pants that had buttons instead of a zip for the fly. Hm. Weird.

"Yet you're already hard," I taunted, running my fingertips along his erect cock over his underwear. I pulled it out delicately, flicking my tongue over my lips and looking up at him as I started to pump it.

I had managed to pull my dress back down comfortably as I knelt in front of him, Peter slouched on the couch and staring at me as I leant forward to spit slowly onto the tip.

"Fuck," he muttered, running his hands through my hair to make a makeshift ponytail that he could hold for me. There's two benefits to that, the first being I don't have hair in my face whilst I'm sucking his dick, the second being that he can watch me do it. Oh, and he can pull my hair. So I guess that makes three benefits.

I licked from base to tip, swirling my tongue at the top before kissing it. He groaned from the sensitivity of the tip, his breath already shaky.

That was before Tony knocked on the door.

"Hey I made you guys some popcorn, I heard a movie playing," he called out.

Honestly, I'm thankful he knocked. I'm not thankful that he interrupted but Jesus Christ I would be mortified if he had just walked in.

"Oh! Uh, thanks Tony, you didn't have to," Peter called out, stalling for time to frantically pull his underwear and pants up. He pulled a blanket off his bed and threw it over his lap and legs, covering his erection.

"Can I come in?" Tony laughed.

"Yeah we're all good," I called out, moving back to the couch and acting perfectly normal.

Tony walked in with a bowl of freshly made popcorn, smiling when he saw both of us fully clothed. He passed me the bowl and looked at the movie playing in the background.

"I'll leave you both to it, don't want to intrude," he said taking the hint that we kind of didn't want him here.

"Thanks Tony," I smiled.

"Oh and uh, Pete? Blanket only over you and not her? Oldest trick in the book, you're not hiding anything. Be safe tonight kids," he chuckled, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

But it could have been a lot worse.

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