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"So, you've gone to all the effort in setting this shit up for what? In the attempts to sleep with me again?" I scoffed, sitting down at the little metal table with a little table cloth spread upon the top.

"If I'm honest, I've kind of given up on the idea you would ever sleep with me again. But other than having to work together as heroes, I do really care about what you think of me," Peter shrugged.

"Because you were an asshole?" I said holding back a smile.

"Because I was an asshole," he nodded.

He ordered our sandwich orders before we had cans of soda brought out to us. By all means, this was not a fancy restaurant, nor was it a classic date location; it was fucking Delmar's.

"You use a straw to drink out of a can of soda?" I said trying to hold back a laugh as Peter pulled it out of its wrapping. It was such a contradiction seeing him hold the can with his muscular hand adorned with rings, yet sip daintily from a paper straw.

"Shut up, I can drink from a fucking straw if I want to drink out of a fucking straw," he snapped back, smiling at me.

We spoke about his speech more, how brutally honest he was to the degree where it was past the point of offensive. Tony was proud of it though, it was exactly the type of public speaking event he would have done himself. We also spoke more about Peter's facade, how he pretends to be the Stark child everyone expects him to be.

What I didn't expect was for Peter to genuinely ask me about my life. He asked firstly about how I was coping with the whole superhero thing but more about the origin of my powers. Of course, he didn't remember me passing out in Dr. Connors lab nor did he realise Flash had posted a photo of my unconscious body on Instagram that day. Lucky.

"What about your parents? You have any siblings?" He smiled, sipping from his now semi-soggy straw.

"I uh, have neither. My parents were both on that plane that disappeared back in the early 2000's and since then my Aunt and Uncle have raised me," I shrugged.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up. Tony adopted me too so I guess we both have non-parent type parents," Peter said shyly, regretting the topic of conversation.

"No it's fine, I don't really care about people asking me about it. They're basically like my parents anyway. My uncle thinks Tony is grooming me though, so that's a bit weird," I laughed.

When Peter looked at me strangely I explained how Aunt May and Uncle Ben were oblivious to the fact I was Spider-Woman and that I was disappearing all the time for an exclusive 'Stark Internship'. He laughed, telling me it was a dumb cover up.

"Blame Tony, he's the one who appeared in my house after you showed him the Spider-Woman YouTube videos that MJ uploaded," I whined.

"Okay wait... So you're saying that I'm the one who basically made you an Avenger... Without me you never would have gotten here?" He taunted.

"Tony would have seen the videos eventually, I was fucking viral on the internet," I scoffed jokingly.

Mr. Delmar brought out our sandwiches and we ate pretty quickly. We didn't speak much, we just focused on how amazing the food in our hands was. We both ordered the same thing, even with pickles added. It was a surprise to see someone actually liking pickles; normally MJ pulled them off her burgers and gave them to me to eat.

"You want to stay at our place tonight? I could drive you home of course but you stay at our house so much the guest room is basically yours," he smiled, dabbing a napkin on his mouth.

"Yeah I wouldn't want you driving back so late. You know I should make it a challenge to try all of the guest rooms out, are they all the same?" I asked, getting up from the table as Mr. Delmar thanked us for coming. Peter thanked him profusely for letting us up on the balcony, which Delmar said 'anytime'.

"They're all practically the same except the one you always stay in cos it has the best view. There's only three guest bedrooms anyway, it's not much of a challenge to do," he laughed, unlocking his car and swinging open his door.

"Have other Avengers stayed over before? Did you grow up having sleepovers with them? Oh man did you ever get them to go to your birthday parties or pick you up from school?" I asked a little too excitedly.

"Uh, not really. My dad was Iron Man so there wasn't really any novelty to super heroes for me. And he only became Iron Man like fifteen years ago or whatever... I think maybe Thor has stayed where he was too tired to use the Bifrost... Steve and Clint have crashed the night before... Natasha definitely has because she likes getting drunk off vodka," Peter explained, starting the car and driving us back towards his home.

"Thanks for tonight Peter... It uh, it was actually really nice of you to organise," I smiled softly.

"Thanks for giving me a second chance."

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