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"And, for our special guest today, gracing the stage of our graduation... Mayor Wilson Fisk!" Our dean of students said into the microphone, shaking out mayors hand as he exited the stage. Fisk approached the microphone and adjusted it to a taller height, considering he was one of the biggest dudes I've ever seen. Seriously, like a seven foot fucking sumo wrestler.

"Thank you for having me students, parents and esteemed faculty of Empire State University. I am truly honoured to see the bright young future of New York sitting here today. I really do wish I spent more time in my studies, in my education, because it is such an invaluable time of a persons life. You learn some of the best things about yourself during college, you really do. But college can only teach you so much, the real world, the world out there, is what shapes a person; what makes or breaks a person," Mayor Fisk started.

"The city of New York is not like a caterpillar that spins a cocoon and wakes up a butterfly. This city is not a part of a fairytale, because not everyone in this city deserves a happy ending. This city needs hard workers, resilient citizens and in many peoples eyes, things that are broken must die before it is reborn. Now, I may have gone off tangent here but what I am trying to convey is that each and every one of these eager faces in front of me, is a part of this cities rebirth. Congratulations students," he continues, wiping the corner of his mouth before smoothing out his coat.

The audience clapped, applauding the man who had recently stepped up as Mayor of New York City in an era of dark crime. He promised to fix it, although the city wasn't so sure yet. He had brought great initiative to the government, although we were a long way to go.

The people applauding didn't see the things that Peter and I saw that day at City Hall. They don't know about the duffle bags of cocaine being loaded up in a covert operation. They just clap and smile at the man on stage.

"Is it just me or did his speech get a bit creepy towards the end?" I whispered to MJ, noticing his weird tyrannical tone in the speech.

"I thought the same thing..." MJ whispered back, adjusting the small metallic tassel on my graduation cap as I turned back to face the front. As Fisk took a seat back on the side of the stage, our dean of students made his way back to the lectern and adjusted the microphone down to an average humans height.

He went through the various student awards, reading out majority of the nerdy students names and explaining that they received Deans list with Distinctions or whatever. It was kind of boring to be completely honest.

"With a Bachelor of Biochemistry and graduating as Summa Cum Laude with a grade point average of 4.1, Miss Y/N L/N," our dean said into the microphone, making me quickly look at MJ in shock, swallow my gum as to not appear unprofessional and make my way up to the stage.

Behind us was a huge screen with my graduation photo plastered on it and a list of my highest achievements next to it. And I couldn't be more embarrassed.

I shook his hand, took the framed certificate from him and posed for a photo. I tried to drown out the applause from the crowd below me but when I heard Uncle Ben hollering loudly from the back, I couldn't help but blush.

I was wrong, I could be more embarrassed.

I sat down next to MJ as she looked at me confused, I just shrugged back; I don't know how I did this well either. I guess the spider senses make me retain information better? Fucked if I knew how I did so well.

"And now, for our valedictorian, Peter Parker!" Our dean said after a few other Summa Cum Laude recipients were awarded.

"How the fuck did he end up class valedictorian? He didn't even come to half our classes over the past four years," I muttered watching Peter shake the Dean's hand and move to the microphone.

"You reckon he's going to be classic douchebag Peter and tell everyone how great we are and that he wouldn't have gotten where he is today without his precious Daddy Stark? Maybe he'll pull the orphan card and talk about his parents for sympathy," MJ scoffed.

"Woah, fucking harsh MJ. Tony is cool, and Peter is kind of getting better this week," I whispered back.

"What? Tell me he wouldn't say some cheesy bullshit in this speech to get everyone to fall in love with him and cry and cheer and all that fucking jazz. It's god damn Iron-Man, this speech will end up on the news," MJ said rolling her eyes.

"Wow thank you Dean, I uh, I'll keep this one short because there really isn't all that much for me to speak about really. I have as many words to say in this speech as there are as many days I actually turned up to this place. Seriously, I still use a campus map to get around. The reason for this, is because I couldn't stand majority of you all here today. I hear a few of you laughing, but it's not a joke. I actually fucking hate a lot of people here today. I don't need to name names, I'm sure you all know who has been kissing my ass over the past four years because of who I'm related to and who you all think I am. Yeah, you over there! I hear you muttering over there. You're completely right, one of them is definitely Flash Thompson, great job. And oh, Liz Toomes? Never even dated her! I'm sure all of you are surprised to hear that from me considering she finished all of my sentences for me. But I'm sure you can all agree, college is full of assholes who fake their way through this shit. So yeah, fuck college, fuck you guys and uh, peace? I don't fucking know," Peter said throwing up a peace sign with his fingers and grinning before turning to our shocked Dean and Chancellor sitting on the stage - completely frozen.

The audience sat in a stunned silence, completely shocked that our Valedictorian who was also bloody Iron-Man, just gave the most horrendous, offensive speech in our college's time. I looked at MJ and tried to hold back a laugh, completely bewildered at Peter telling us all to go fuck ourselves.

Parents muttered to themselves in disgust but Tony stood up from his chair and applauded with a mighty cheer and whistles, proud of his son for following in his footsteps the best way anyone could:

By completely pissing everyone off.

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