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"Down this corridor you'll find your bedrooms. George and Helen you're the first on the left. Then Philip, Howard and Simon you're next. And Gwen, you're after that," Tony said escorting the Stacy family to their temporary lodging inside Avengers Compound.

"How come three of us have to share and Gwen gets her own room? That's so unfair," said one of Gwen's brothers rudely.

"Because Gwen is a woman and you're three boys who are more than happy to share a room in this tremendous facility. Now be grateful and listen to Mr. Stark," Gwen's mum said reprimanding her son.

"Boys, just wait until you see the room, it's so big it won't feel like you're sharing at all," Tony laughed.

Being an Avenger myself, well kind of, I had access to Jarvis inside my suit. And I could ask Jarvis to show me any security footage inside the compound. That's how I was watching the Stacy family arrive whilst I was here in Queens. I mean, I had 24/7 access to the compound when I needed to go there. I just, wanted an excuse for Spider-Woman to be needed there.

Given that Tony had retired as Iron Man, he volunteered for his family to stay at the Avengers Compound alongside the Stacy's; this meant that Peter, Pepper and Morgan were living there full time too. And for me, well I was stuck at home with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. My bullet wound had healed enough for me to not wince when I yawned or walked down a stair case, but the injury itself was shocking to look at up close.

Luckily for me, my Aunt and Uncle won't be seeing me shirtless or in a tank top in the middle of a New York winter any time soon.

For Jarvis to work, I had to be wearing my mask; which for context was extremely risky in my own house. I had devised a plan though if May or Ben walked in, I would say that it was a replica I made at the Stark Internship and it was just fun to wear and watch Netflix through.

They'd fall for it for sure, they'd never suspect that their niece was fucking Spider-Woman.

Look, they're not dumb people so I know they'd be having their suspicions about why I'm always out late at night and coming home at the most absurd of hours. I tell them that the Stark internship runs at night so it can accommodate for peoples college classes and part time jobs which they believed. Of course I can't say I'm there almost every day though. And sometimes I need to stay at the Stark house overnight, so I alternate my excuses with 'I'm at MJ's house'.

There was one time May went around to the Jones' house when she thought I was supposed to be there, but MJ was quick to play it off as if May had forgotten my busy schedule and that I was at the internship.

If Tony hadn't come to the apartment and been there in the flesh, or spoken with us all at Graduation, they wouldn't believe me that I was needed at Stark Industries so often. They'd have taken wild assumptions that I had become a woman of the night and prostituting my body along the streets of East Harlem or something.

I think I would prefer for May and Ben to think I'm a prostitute than think I was Spider-Woman. I'd probably get into less trouble.

So here I am, lying in my bed, wearing tracksuit pants and a sweatshirt, with my mask on spying on the Stacy family. Normally I wouldn't care at all, but the fact Peter was there seeing his long-distance ex lover for first time, had me nervous.

I don't know why I'm nervous, we aren't dating. We slept together once. I gave him a blowjob and we've gone to dinner. Okay, I obviously have feelings for him so that's probably why I'm being a fucking psycho stalker right now but I just need to know if Peter is still in love with her. I don't want to continue trying to pursue Peter if he'll just go back to Gwen now that they're in the same city again.

He's never really mentioned Gwen to me, it's all been rumours throughout college when she used to go to Empire State. Fuck, I'm overthinking this way too hard.

"In each of your rooms there is a control panel. Boys, pay attention, this could save your lives. This big ass red button here? Don't touch it. This will put your room in lockdown and nobody will be allowed in or out. This is for actual emergencies like if the Compound was infiltrated by bad guys. So do not press it unless you absolutely have to. If you do need immediate help, press this blue one and the closest Avenger here will come to protect you. For most things though, you can just ask Jarvis," Tony smiled.

"Who is Jarvis?" Gwen said quietly, making me screw my face up and imitate her high pitched voice to myself.

She is so prissy. Who wears stuff like that to a fucking emergency bunker? I'm sure fucking Captain America or Bruce Banner wouldn't care if you're in pyjamas or knee high boots and a little fucking pencil skirt. Ugh, she thinks she so perfect doesn't she? It irks me. She was just like this in college.

I've never spoken to Gwen Stacy before because she was two grades above us but she always carried herself like a pristine fucking angel. Like she could do no wrong and that she was better than everyone. It pissed me off then and it pisses me off now.

"Jarvis is like Siri but better. Just ask anything out loud and the room will respond," Peter smiled, answering Gwen's question.

"Hey Jarvis, how big is my monster penis?" One of Gwen's younger brothers asked, giggling to another before his father hit his arm and told him to grow up.

"You don't want me to answer that truthfully Simon, it is not a figure you wish to be bragging about," Jarvis responded, making me laugh to myself.

Peter was basically drooling over Gwen, it wouldn't surprise me if his jaw fell to the ground and a puddle of drool gathered around his feet. He was smitten. So I decided to text him, to see what he'd do.

Hey, how's the compound?

I saw Peter pull his phone slightly out of his pocket, reading the notification before pushing it back in; ignoring my text. Maybe he just didn't want to be rude in front of Captain Stacy and his family by texting mid-conversation. Maybe he will respond once he and Tony leave.

"Me, Pep and the kids will be here the whole time so if you need anything, we're here. Dinner will be served at seven in the main dining hall. Oh, and if you see any other heroes walking through the halls, don't hesitate to say hi. They're all willing to give a helping hand," Tony smiled.

"Always, here to help," Peter reiterated, smiling at Gwen specifically. What a fuck boy.

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