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Majority of the doors were left open as I ran past each and every one, checking for any signs of Uncle Ben. The building was starting to break into fallen debris and the fire roared and echoed.

"Any signs of him?" I asked Peter who was a few storeys above me and using his suit to quite literally rip doors open with his hands.

"No, nothing yet," he responded.

I was panicking. I was well and truly panicking and I knew that there was only so much time before this building collapsed.

"Ben?! Benjamin!" I called out, hoping desperately for any signs of life.

"Somebody! Somebody please help me!" I heard him yell back, alerting both Peter and I to a communal bathroom area a floor above me. I sprinted as fast as I could before I saw one of the metal ceiling beams fall from above us. Using my webs, I catapulted myself along the ground like a slingshot before the beam crashed to the ground, missing my head by seconds.

Ben was crouching on the tiled floor when I entered the bathrooms, trying to tie a torn part of his shirt around another man's leg as a tourniquet. The man on the ground was bleeding severely, his leg broken to the point where bone was protruding from his skin where his shin met his knee.

"He- He can't move," Ben coughed, burying his face in the crook of his elbow to try and stop the smoke from entering his lungs.

"Peter, you take him. I'll get Ben to the street. Quick!" I yelled, watching Ben reluctantly leave the injured man's side as I grabbed his arm to follow me. As we got to a nearby window, I punched the remaining glass shards so that Uncle Ben wouldn't cut himself on the way out.

"I can't jump..." he said worriedly, looking at me as I shot one of my webs out to a nearby telegraph pole.

"Don't think about it as jumping, think about it as a big  swing... Trust me, it'll be fun once you do it," I said to reassure him. I knew that Ben's number one fear was heights, he got quest and unsettled at the top of the Empire State Building once.

Attaching the rest of the webbing around his waist like a harness I told him to hold on. He did so quickly, hearing more falling rafters behind us that gave him more than enough courage.

"Hey... Thank you," he said turning around and smiling gently at me before I brashly pushed his back so he'd swing down to the telegraph pole. He screamed only briefly, stopping once he had realised he was out of danger and that I was right, it is kind of fun. I followed suit by launching myself down next to him and dissolving the webs that wrapped around his waist.

"That was incredible..." he said once he got both feet on the ground, jogging alongside me to the park where everyone had congregated. We both looked at the burning building across the road, in shock and disbelief that we had just escaped from inside.

Peter landed next to us shortly after, carefully placing the injured man on a park bench as one of the FEAST volunteers rushed over with a first aid kit. I don't think they'd be able to fix a bone escaping from its own body but they could definitely keep the bleeding at bay until an ambulance arrived.

Ben's head was flicking back and forth as he scanned the park, his brows furrowed as he started to call out May's name. This was of course before one of FEAST's volunteers approached him and said she went back in and was looking for her niece; for me.

"What? Y/N is here?!" Ben said worriedly, looking back towards the building frantically. I pushed Ben back and told him to stay in the park and that I would find 'them' although it would just be May.

"Hey, listen to me. Who told you that May was looking for her niece?" I asked the volunteer, practically yelling at her at this stage. She meekly pointed over at a man standing on the road staring up at the burning building with his arms crossed. She had barely even finished her sentence before I ran up to the son of a bitch who had his story wrong.

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