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MJ and I were supposed to hang out on Sunday, remedy our hangovers together and recap our stories from the party. That's usually how we spent the day after parties. We'd lie in bed, talk about the crazy shit that happened the night before and order greasy fried food to cure the hangover alongside a litre of Gatorade.

Yesterday though, I told MJ that my Spider Senses didn't get me drunk, therefore not giving me and hangover and I let MJ just sleep all day. I stayed at home watching the end few episodes of Squid Game with May and Ben though, which was nice because I feel like I haven't had quality family time in a while. Aunt May insisted that we watch with the English voice actors dubbing so she could multitask, whereas Ben and I told her that it would change the entire dynamic of the show and that she could just suck it up and read the subtitles.

College on Monday's were pretty laid back considering most seniors scheduled their classes for the middle days of the week and left Mondays and Friday's either free or basically empty. MJ and I each only had one class and although they weren't the same class, it was the same time slot.

"And then he cried to me about how he's faking his whole personality because of Tony's reputation from when he was our age and he's actually kinda normal and nerdy and doesn't like Flash or Liz and Ned is his only friend and he's kind of just lonely," I explained to MJ down the corridor, both of us walking towards the science blocks.

"Well, we already knew he didn't like Flash or Liz so that's not new but he cried in front of you? Fuck, I'm all for supporting a man who isn't afraid to show his emotions but like, this all happened whilst you were in your suit? Anyone would be embarrassed to cry in front of a colleague right? Let alone a superhero colleague," MJ shrugged.

"I have class with him now so I'll see if he took any of my advice, if he actually turns up. See you later?" I smiled, reaching the end of the corridor where MJ and I had to go our seperate ways.

"Yeah, both our families are having dinner together remember? Eight o'clock at that Italian place on 43rd, Luccetti's I think it's called," MJ called out as she went to her classroom and I went to mine. Peter was already in class, on his laptop and sitting alone. It didn't surprise me because none of his 'friends' were in this class but showing up for once was the surprising part.

His hair wasn't styled, his natural curls fell softly across his forehead and a large set of over ear headphones were perched on either side of his head. He was busy, typing away madly as I walked past and sat behind him slightly. He didn't look up once throughout the class until finally a girl in front of him attempted to make conversation with him and he pulled his headphones off.

"Hey Peter, you want to meet up later and work on the last part of this assignment?" She said sweetly, turning around in her chair and smiling up at him.

"I've already turned it in. Sorry," he said politely, putting his headphones back on and going back to his laptop. Peter submitting assignments early? Was that new or had I never heard him say it out loud before? I saw the amounts of textbooks he had in his room, maybe the reason he ditched class was to avoid being in public, maybe he was just teaching himself the classes rather than showing up.

I wish I could see what music he was listening to. I'm so intrigued by the idea of this 'real' Peter Parker that I want to know everything about him. I couldn't help but to lean forward a bit to try and see what was on his screen.

He was on Reddit, a popular forum based site where people shared stories, questions, opinions and general social media type shit. The title of the forum he was on was in bold letters, easy enough for me to see:

Spider-Woman Identity Theories

It's funny, I've seen my alter ego posted on social media thousands of times, I've seen videos of me on the news over and over but I've never thought to search the internet for conspiracies about my true identity. I wonder what types of things people are guessing.

I scrolled through the reddit site, mostly people taking photos of me as Spider-Woman and speculating my height, weight and whether or not I was left or right handed. Some people were convinced that under the suit I was actually a man. Some people thought that I didn't even exist at all, I was just a hacker creating computer graphics.

There was also some nut job saying they thought I was their neighbour because they left at weird times in the middle of the night and had different expensive cars parking out the front that they thought belonged to Stark.

No dude, your neighbour is just a drug dealer, sorry to break it to you.

Nobody was even considerably close, which amused me but also made me wonder what it would be like if my identity ever was exposed. I know for one thing, Mayor Fisk would have me on some sort of list of most hated people in New York; he hates supers.

Peter's phone went off as he received a text message and shortly after my phone vibrated next to me. It wasn't anything to be suspicious of, people's phones went off all the time.

Quinjet is on the field to
take you to the compound

Suit up kid we've got some
business to take care of

I waited for Peter to leave, our professor not caring who entered or left the classroom. He was pretty vocal about not enforcing archaic attendance rules because we were the drivers of our own educations or some bullshit like that. He was pretty cool though

I left a few minutes after Peter did, changing into my suit in a supply closet before running out to the quinjet parked on the football field. Surely a plane this size would be damaging to the field, let alone drawing a hell of a lot of attention.

The government would pay to re-turf the field right? Or SHIELD? Or Stark? Wait, who pays for all the Avengers stuff? Who gives us money to fly overseas and for weapons and stuff? Surely not the taxpaying citizens right?

I swung into the jet before the back hatch door closed, majority of the heroes all sitting in their seats already with their seatbelts done up.

"Took you long enough, way to keep us all waiting," Peter scoffed, Tony glaring at him and telling him he was only a few minutes earlier than I was and to be a 'fucking gentleman'.

Okay, so it seems this new Peter Parker didn't last very long because he's back to being an asshole to me.

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