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"Tony are you sure this is legal? I don't even have a passport a-and I'm pretty sure we've left the country without any form of customs or security checks or like stamping our hand on the way out or whatever," I yelled over my headset, looking out of the helicopter window.

"Calm down kid, you don't need passports when you're on Avengers business," Tony said sitting in the spacious front passenger seat whilst I was cramped by Happy next to me taking up majority of the space in the back.

"Does that mean I'm an Avenger?" I asked eagerly smiling.

Tony turned around, pushed his sunglasses down on the bridge of his nose and squinted at me. He was silent unlike the helicopter turbines which were almost deafening without our headsets on. The lingering glare he gave me answered my question without the need for words; no I am not an Avenger.

The helicopter descended as I asked again where we were actually going. I was originally told to pack a bag with a few comfortable outfits and that I'd be back by the end of the weekend. Tony once again appeared at our apartment and told the three of us that I was needed for the student retreat for all of Tony's mentee's.

I like testing Tony when he lies to Ben and May, so I asked him how many mentee's he had. He told me there were eight and that I was his most forgetful for missing the deadline for this retreat and that's why he and Happy came to pick me up personally.

Ben was hesitant that a middle aged man kept whisking me away, although May told him I was safe with Tony Stark and that he wasn't some strange man we didn't know.

Three weeks ago, we didn't know Tony Stark and now that we know him we are aware that he definitely is a strange man... So May needs to check her facts.

"We already left the country? That's insane... How fast is this thing?!" I said over the headset, looking at Happy who was just staring at me like I was a moron.

"Excuse me, what did you just say? We're still in New York Y/N, we're just upstate. The closest country other than Canada to New York is Cuba... You really think we're in Cuba with all these fucking pine trees?" Tony said laughing at me and pointing at all of the windows showing dense forest around us.

"Oh... Well I have this party tomorrow and I kind of promised my friend MJ I would go with her," I said over the headset as the engine turned off, leaving me shouting at Tony, Happy and our pilot awkwardly.

"A party? You want to go to a party?" Tony scoffed.

"You're not really telling me why I'm here so I just thought maybe I could like have some free time one night this weekend?" I shrugged.

"We're on Avengers business," he said bluntly, swinging open the helicopter door before coming to open mine.

"But I'm not an Avenger," I said smugly back at him whilst I jumped out of the helicopter with my backpack.

"Yeah well, we need all the help we can get and you're like our hero in training. Get ready for your first mission kid, and welcome to the Avengers Compound," he said stretching his arm toward the huge fucking building behind me.

"You guys have a secret lair?! This is so cool!" I squealed, looking at the building which was easily bigger than my entire university campus.

"Oh my god, it's a base not a lair," Tony sighed, walking through the perfectly maintained landscaping as we neared the main building. I toddled behind him, feeling like Morgan at a theme park; surprised and amazed at everything.

"So what uh, what's the mission? Are we taking down like... actual big bad guys?" I said riddled with equal parts excitement and fear.

"A lot more tame, think of this as a training weekend. You can bond and prove yourself to the others as a little professional spider," Tony said as we walked down a criminally cold corridor. When I whispered to Happy asking why it was so freezing, he said it's to keep our brains switched on. I don't understand the logic but sure.

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