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I held MJ's hair back whilst she threw up in a bush shortly after I heard Peter bragging about sleeping with Spider Woman, which I can testify that I definitely haven't. He eventually put the Iron Man hand away, got off the table and rejoined the party as a semi normal college student.

He did however, continue to boast about his sexual exploits and 'heroic' missions that quite frankly never happened. He also drank almost a whole bottle of tequila in the time I helped MJ. I need to put him in his place... As Spider Woman. After I made sure MJ was fine, I told her that Ned wanted her as a beer pong team mate and that we should split up to search for him. She looked around the backyard, I ran back upstairs.

Checking behind me, I ducked into Peter's room to get my bag next to MJ's. Her bag was where we had both originally left it, mine however, was in the corner of the room with my lip gloss and a tin of breath mints spilt on the floor. Despite hiding my suit within multiple bags, they were all unzipped or opened.

"Best friend!" A tiny voice screamed behind me, revealing Morgan standing in the doorway with my Spider Woman mask draped over her head.

"Morgan! Did you go through my bag?" I said picking her up, closing the door quickly behind me and putting her down on Peter's bed. I pulled the mask off her head and she sulked.

"I wanted to play dress ups like with Daddy and his mask," she pouted, her brows furrowed as she feared to get in trouble. I had seen photos of her wearing the Iron Man helmet before, I can't blame her for putting my mask on.

"I'm sorry, I need to go say hi to Peter and I really needed my mask back, but maybe later I can come and tuck you into bed?" I smiled, locking the door and staring at her nodding excitedly as I realised I couldn't really get undressed in front of her. Being half naked in front of a kid her age is probably illegal or something.

"Hey Morgan, can you close your eyes and count to thirty for me?" I asked. She shook her head and said she would just count to ten three times because it was more fun. Either way, I had just thirty seconds to put the suit on.

"Okay best friend, you go back to your room and I promise I'll see you later okay?" I said unlocking the door and watching her leave the room as I opened the window to his bedroom to crawl outside.

Peter was pulling his shirt off by the edge of the pool; a sight in which I couldn't help but to stare at. A group of his friends were coaxing him to jump in, the boys telling him he would be 'a pussy' if he didn't, as well as a group of girls trying to seduce him in by promising skinny dipping. Whether it was the peer pressure of being called a pussy or the temptation of naked women, he was going to get in the fucking pool.

He undid his jeans and kicked them to the side, lifting his arms up in the air as the other swimmers cheered. Why the fuck were they cheering? Would they care this much if anyone else wanted to swim in their underwear?

I shot a web directly to his chest to stall him, not meaning to pull him anywhere with it, just for people to notice the webbing before I swung down next to him. Again, people drunkenly cheered, surprising me to the fact that drunk people really overreacted to everything.

"Look who it is... Heard there was a party and couldn't stay away?" Peter smirked, putting his arm out towards my waist before I swiftly grabbed his wrist, twisted his arm behind his back and muttered in his ear.

"How could I stay away if someone's spreading fake rumours about my sex life?" I said quietly, letting go of his arm before he stumbled backwards and grabbed a hold of my arm as he fell.

Much to my dismay, the webs I had shot towards the closest tree didn't make it in time and I plummeted into the pool with Peter. And the crowd cheered. Why the fuck does everyone keep cheering?

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