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Natasha Romanoff has this fire within her that I admire greatly. She isn't genetically modified like Steve or Bucky, she doesn't have a suit like Tony or Sam, she's just brilliant at fighting. Her background as being an assassin turned good, fascinates me. Although she has been quite polite and nice to me throughout the weekend. Tony obviously being my mentor was the one I spent the most time with, Steve showed a keen interest in 'figuring me out' and Sam was always cracking jokes to make me feel comfortable.

"What are you doing spiderling?" Sam called out, walking along the silver bench I was sitting on. I smiled and waved as he sat down next to me, noticing I was scribbling in a notebook I had been carrying around pretty much everywhere I went.

"Just taking notes," I smiled softly, looking back down to the field to where Natasha was training.

"Ah so you are stalking us! I knew it," Sam said excitedly, trying to figure out why I was taking notes on them throughout the weekend.

"Mr. Stark told me to watch you guys to see how you guys fight in battle. I took notes on everyone, 'cos I want to see what your strengths are and see how I can help if one day Tony asks me to join a fight... See, Natasha is brilliant marksman, up close she's a great fighter but if she's out powered or at a distance there's not much she can do. Now I know that I should keep an eye out for her in those situations," I shrugged, closing my notebook and placing it next to me as she waved up at me.

"What do you have on me you little freaky genius? May I?" He asked before I nodded, sliding my notebook across the bench and flicking through the pages.

"These are wildly accurate, you studying psychology or something?" He asked, now laughing at one of the pages almost to the verge of tears. He covered his face as he wiped under his eyes.

"W- What's so funny?" I asked inquisitively, pulling the notebook back towards me to read which page he was on. Had I insulted him about his own page?

"You got Bucky down to a tee... The staring problem? I bring that up with him all the time, it's so creepy right?" He said now calming down, taking a deep breath.

"I'm not trying to be weird or anything, I'm just trying to see how you guys interact and stuff..." I smiled softly, closing the notebook and unclicking my pen.

He smiled when Natasha finished up her training session and did a sarcastic curtesy towards us, the two of us meeting her down on the field.

"Little freaky genius over here could write the movie of your life, I swear to god," Sam laughed, taking the notebook from my hand and passing it to her to read. Again, they were treating this like some secret journal but there is nothing there to hide, if anything I'd like their feedback on my observances.

"Your handwriting annoys me," she said bluntly, flicking through the pages as we walked back inside the compound and through to the larger training room; for my final session.

Tony had let me cruise around all weekend in preparation for this moment, letting me train alone before calling the heroes in to watch me today. I had spent the past two days getting used to the suit, which for the record was fucking incredible and the Artificial Intelligence built into it he had named Karen. I don't know why, but she was nice.

Tony made all the heroes watch from an observation point, briefing me that all of the obstacles and challenges around me were very much real. He advised that 'buildings' could fall, 'fires' could burn me and that bullets most definitely could hit me - the only thing that wasn't real were the villains, hostages and civilians.

I nodded, receiving a good luck pat on the back from Mr. Stark before he left. Steve's voice came through the speakers and told me that if I needed desperate help, to shout the word Eggplant. I giggled to myself when I heard that his safe word was commonly a term for a dick, as did Sam and Scott Lang.

The lights around me suddenly turned off, the room now becoming pitch black and my suits night vision goggles activating. I asked Karen for a status update on my surroundings. I sent out a small drone from my suit to scan the perimeter and she told me that we were in a two storey office building with what looked to be about two dozen humans inside from heat signature tracking.

"Y/N, there's an apparent noxious gas inside the building, the power is out and anything could trigger it. We need to find it, disable it and make sure nobody is harmed. We're all watching you on screens so good luck," Steve's voice said over the speakers.

It was crazy how realistic these training sessions were. Everything felt real, everything looked real, I honestly don't know how Stark's technology could build an entire building out of thin air.

Scaling the side of the 'building' I got Karen to locate each of the bodies. On the main floor, there were seven hostages and two armed men guarding them. They were tied up and huddled into a corner. I managed to find a way inside the building via the aircon ducts from the roof, crawling along the roof to where the hostages were. My plan was to web the two gunmans hands to nearby pillars so they couldn't shoot.

Except one of the fake hostages started screaming for help when she saw me. Honestly, this fucking simulation is so realistic, they even have annoying civilians ruining my plan.

Launching myself at one of the gunman who raised his gun toward me, I managed to apprehend the weapon and stick it to the wall behind us. I used webs to pull the second gunman towards the first, jumping out of the way as they both collided and lost consciousness. Once passed out, I stuck them together to the pillar so they couldn't get away. Again, these web shooters are fucking phenomenal.

"Okay Y/N, let's pretend that two of the Avengers are outside the building ready to take the hostages to safety," Steve's voice said, alerting me to the fact that I somehow had to get seven people out of this fake building.

Whispering to them, I told them to follow me silently in a single file, each holding the shoulder of the person in front of them to make sure nobody got lost. Yes, I treated them like they were in kindergarten. Moving to the exit I noticed the doors had been rigged to explode if opened and I had to make my own exit for them.

"Karen, activate taser webs," I whispered, shooting a small shot of webbing towards the villains homemade explosives to short circuit them. Voila, door opened.

The rest of the training exercise was much of the same, the next level having more hostages and more gunman. I managed to complete the session with only a few injuries, but when the lights came on and the heroes clapped, I knew I had passed.

"And that, ladies and gentleman, is why I brought the kid here in the first place. Nice work kiddo," Tony said over the speaker, raising a thumbs up at me through the glass.

Letting me out of the training room, Tony told me to help myself to lunch in the kitchen and that we'd fly back home afterwards for a press conference, announcing his retirement alongside Clint's.

"How did I go Mr. Stark?" I asked, walking back towards the kitchen with majority of the heroes.

"Why don't you see for yourself," Sam said interrupting, passing me my notebook and pen. Opening it, I saw that each of them had done a quick analysis on me, the same way I had done them on each of them.

I smiled as I read their notes, all filled with compliments and words of pride. God, I need to keep these pages forever. I need to frame this forever.

Mad skills kid, proud to have you onboard
- T. Stark

Your tenacity and determination is beyond admirable, a true hero in the making
- Captain America

You need a superhero pose, don't worry I'll teach you. Us girls have to stick together ;)
- Nat

Welcome to the bug family Spiderling!
- ANTMANNN yewww

You did good kid
- Barnes

Amazing! So exciting to watch how you think, act and save the fake hostages lol :)
- Dr. Bruce Banner

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