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"She has regenerative powers yes, but she can't just create blood out of nowhere Peter. She lost a lot of blood out there." I heard Tony say quietly.

"But it-it's just the shoulder right? There's no crucial organs or anything up there." Peter responded.

I kept my eyes closed as I woke up from what I assumed was anaesthesia, remembering that after I called Happy to come and get me, I must have been brought back to the Stark House. He knew that he couldn't take me to a hospital for a gun shot wound because Aunt May and Uncle Ben would have to be contacted. And that, would involve a whole lot more stress that being shot in the first place.

"Well Mayor Fisk equipped the police force with some new artillery that's pretty lethal. The bullet lodged right up here near the subclavian artery. Did they teach you anything about that in college?"

"Uh, I didn't study medicine so no."

Fuck me, why are they bickering so loudly in the same room as me? Do they think I'm still passed out and won't wake up at how noisy they're being?

"Fair point. Well it feeds into the brachial artery and brachial plexus in the arm. There's a chance she'll have severe nerve damage in her arm. But, like I said she has her spider abilities on her side so it's really hard to tell how she'll pull through Pete."

"Can you both just shut up for a second?" I groaned, opening my eyes and feeling my lids as heavy as ever.

My head was throbbing and I could feel an air tube attached to the entrance of my nostrils. I took a deep breath and winced at the pain in my side. My free hand had a cannula inserted into a protruding vein and I slowly pulled my arm out from under the bed covers to reach for a glass of water on the bedside table.

"How you feeling kiddo?" Tony asked with a grin, grabbing the water cup for me so I didn't have to extend my arm too much.

"Like I've just been shot," I chuckled.

I screwed my face up when I realised that laughing hurt my entire body, sending a shock to the senses with even the smallest of movements.

"Did you hear everything we just said?" Peter asked nervously, scratching the back of his head and looking at his adoptive father with caution.

"About the nerve damage and the arteries? Yeah I managed to get all of that," I nodded, taking another deep breath as my vision tried to focus from the heavy pain killers.

"Good, good-"

"And when Tony pointed out you had a booger in your nose and scoffed when you flicked it away," I chuckled.

Peter hung his head and groaned, looking at Tony who just shrugged and laughed back at him. That was actually what I had woken up to at first, hearing Tony say that Peter had something in his nose before reprimanding him for being 'a grub'. Peter then retaliated saying there weren't tissues around and he had no other option.

They truly bickered like brothers, not like a father and son; which was nice. Their relationship contrasted vastly from Tony and Morgan's however, where it was more protective, nurturing and loving. That's obviously not to say that Tony didn't love Peter, but of course when you adopt an old friends widowed son, you wouldn't have the same connection than with your first born.

"Did I get blood all over Happy's car?" I asked quietly.

"Actually no, after you called him he came straight to both of us. We got suits on and flew over to get you, you know how New York traffic is like at night, it's a debacle," Tony sighed.

"That would've looked so stupid in the sky," I chuckled softly, trying not to inhale too much air and agitate my wound.

"Two metal men carrying a limp woman in spandex? Yeah it would've been amusing if someone looked up. But no I carried you and Tony came with me in case," Peter smiled.

I had no concept of what time it was but being in the guest room and seeing the night sky outside, meant I could have slept for an hour or ten. It was hard to say. It was a good sign that I wasn't in their little medical room that the Stark's had, I was in bed already bandaged up. I guess they stopped the bleeding, removed the shrapnel and hoped for the best.

"Tony? You have a call on line four," Jarvis said over the speakers in the room.

"Not now Jarvis, I'm 'muy ocupado'" Tony sighed. Why he ended the sentence in Spanish, I do not know.

"You're going to want to take this Sir, it's the man responsible for Y/N's injuries," Jarvis pressed before Tony asked him to put the call through.

Tony glared at both Peter and I to stay quiet and not interrupt the call despite him holding his phone up to his ear so we couldn't hear.

"This is Tony Stark."

I looked over at Peter who was deeply staring at Tony to gather anything from the call but his facial expressions. We couldn't hear what the other man on the phone was saying so Tony's reactions were our only indicator.

"Yes, I understand completely, shooting a beloved Avenger isn't something I'd be proud of either. Uh huh, it is definitely best to take this conversation off the phone and make it face to face given your position in the police force. Can meet with me tonight?" Tony asked before nodding and thanking the man on the phone.

I furrowed my brows at Peter before looking back to Tony, who was inviting my gunman to their house. It also surprised me that he said he word 'tonight' because it mustn't be that late.

I wonder if they can order pizza for me. I'm starving.

"Right, gotcha. See you soon Captain Stacy."

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