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"I need a training partner," Bucky said loudly, causing me to jolt awake and stare at the metal armed man standing at the end of my bed.

"What?" I mumbled, confused at the fact Bucky was even in my room in the first place. What time was it? It's still fucking dark outside.

"I need someone to help me train. Stark said Fisk sent some sort of cryptic communication out to his little lackeys about attacking multiple sites at once any day now and I need to train," Bucky said selfishly.

I rolled over to check my phone which was next to my bedside table for the time. I also happened to see the latest text messages from Harry after I had "confirmed" I was with Peter just to get him off my case.


Just another reason as
to why Peter Parker is a
fucking prick

Does Harry know Peter somehow? Why would he think that was typical of him? I mean, Peter has a bit of a playboy reputation in the media but why does he think he's a pick? Maybe Harry is just jealous, fuck it. He was the real prick last night anyway.

"And you need to do this at 5:38 in the morning? Get fucked," I groaned, propping myself up on my elbows to look at him with a scowl.

"So you two are banging again I see?" Bucky chuckled.

Peter groaned, lifting his head up to see Bucky standing with his arms crossed and just staring blankly at us. It was always hard to read Bucky's facial expressions because more often than not, they were the exact same blank stare.

"Can't you just ask Natasha? You've been sleeping with her the past few weeks," I said changing the subject back to the reason he was even inside my room and frowning at him.

"That's why you've been at the compound more than normal... Fuck, how did I not know this?" Peter said sitting up against the pillows.

"There are lots of things you don't know Parker," Bucky responded smugly. "Plus, she already trained this morning whilst I was still asleep and now she's in South Bronx figuring out this Fisk situation," he continued.

These people are fucking insane. Not only has Bucky woken up early just to demand a training session, but Natasha woke up even earlier to do the exact same thing. Fuck I hate their generation sometimes. Why don't they value sleep like the rest of us?

"How about you go follow Natasha's lead and help her whilst you let us sleep?" I huffed, rolling onto my side to get comfortable again.

"Because I can't do the things that she can. Do you think Banner just walks into Town Hall looking like a fucking avocado on steroids and climbs into air vents unnoticed? No, because not all of us have the same skills," Bucky scoffed.

"Should we be helping Natasha then? What's this multiple attack plan thing?" Peter asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Fuck, why do you two ask so many god damn questions? You know silence says a lot more than the shit coming out of your mouths right now. Forget it, I'll train alone," he scoffed, leaving my bedroom like a pre-teen throwing a tantrum.

"That was so stupid," I said closing my eyes again and taking a deep breath.

"Am I really the only one who doesn't know about him and Natasha?" Peter pouted, shuffling himself back down under the covers and facing me.

"I don't think anyone knows, I just know because I caught Bucky leaving her room one morning," I answered softly, wanting desperately to sleep again.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again, listening to Peter's soft breathing next to me as I felt his arm drape itself over my waist. It was warm, comforting and made me try desperately to hold back a smile. What if Peter was looking at me? Then he'd see me smiling to myself like a dork.

"Do you- Um, do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" I said nervously, keeping my eyes closed.

"Like at a restaurant?" Peter responded quietly.

"At my house with Ben and May... You haven't really met them properly except for graduation briefly," I said opening my eyes gently and instantly making eye contact with Peter. Was he watching me?

"Wow taking me home to meet the parents, you really are over the guy you were messaging all the time," he chuckled.

"They're not my parents and you know that... And yeah, Harry is a prick after how he handled last night. He's all salty and butt hurt now," I said yawning.

I need to see if Peter and Harry know each other. It won't stop playing with my mind knowing that Harry said that me seeing Peter was 'another reason' he was a prick... What are the other reasons? Maybe I'll show Peter a photo of him and see if they've met.

"Having dinner with your family would be cool, yeah. And I have always been curious to see where you lived... Id be lying if I said I haven't wondered what Spider-Woman's bedroom would be like," he chuckled.

"You've imagine my room? You're so whipped," I laughed, teasing him for showing his vulnerable side.

"Well yeah, where else would you be in my imagination when I'm jerking off?" He retaliated.

"Ew, don't tell me that Peter," I said screwing my face up and closing my eyes again.

"If you think that's weird, you should definitely not look at my porn history then," he chuckled.

"I really don't want to regret asking this, but why?" I said cautiously, opening my eyes again and grimacing.

Peter tried to hold back his laughter as he contemplated whether or not to tell me what he had been searching up. A million thoughts ran through my head; was he into weird kinks? Was he into illegal crimes like animal porn or watching minors? God, I'm scared to hear his answer now.

"Okay so there's a whole category based on the Avengers and people dress up like us... I found it a few days ago and obviously I don't watch people dress up as Iron Man because I just think of Tony but like... Seeing a someone wear a Spider-Woman suit with three holes cut out is surprisingly arousing," he taunted.

"My suit is not a gimp suit, I am not cutting holes in it and I am not fucking people whilst wearing it," I laughed, completely shocked that people would think of making a porn based on me. I give them credit for the creativity though, keeping my identity still hidden for the sake of realism.

"No, no, no, no, no. You wouldn't be fucking people in the suit, you'd just be fucking me," he joked.

"Your Dad made my suit and it probably costs more than my fucking apartment so I'm not tampering with it just for sex. If you want to fuck me again, you'll just have to do it like a normal person without a superhero suit on," I sighed, closing my eyes again.

It is way too early in the morning for a conversation as twisted as this. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

"Bringing me home and confirming you'd sleep with me again... Sounds like you're the one getting whipped," he laughed.

I just shushed him, keeping my eyes closed and wanting this conversation to end so we could fall back asleep. If Bucky hadn't rudely woken us up, none of this would have happened. Peter leant forwards and kissed my forehead before moving back and trying to sleep himself again.

I smiled to myself that time.

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